Vivaldi  Singers      



About Us


The Vivaldi Singers was founded in 1987 and since then has performed a wide range of works with both experienced singers and enthusiastic non-readers.  Singers are challenged and encouraged to reach high standards.  We have made some recordings.  We perform two main concerts per year in the Spring and Autumn but undertake requests from further afield, as well as performing outdoor Christmas carols and Summer festivals for Farnham Town Council (our chief sponsors) to support their community work.


 Our conductor is Jacqueline Protheroe, MA, LTCL – Artistic Director 2005 for the Convention ABCD at Surrey University and freelance conductor and teacher of piano and violin who has headed departments in schools and colleges and performed as soloist in opera and oratorio.  She has wide experience conducting many choirs of all ages who have recorded in Vienna and Canada.


Our associate conductor is Julie Shaw, BMus – a former head of department in school and Early Music specialist who has a young family.


 We are sponsored by Farnham Town Council and affiliated to Making Music, The National Federation of Music Societies.  We are registered with ABCD (Association of British Choral Directors) and British Choirs on the Net (


We rehearse on Tuesday evenings at the United Reformed Church, South Street, Farnham at 7.45pm

We are keen to attract new members (no audition necessary) and so if you enjoy singing please contact us on [email protected] or by ringing the Membership Secretary on 01252-332828.  Special rates apply for College and GCSE music students.


What We Do


Each concert aims to excite both performer and listener.  Known works are performed alongside contemporary pieces and choral music of all styles. Most concerts are themed.

Instrumental ensembles usually play, eg Surrey Mozart Players (chamber orchestra), Vivaldi Ensemble, Camarada, Unis Saxophone Quartet, Guitar Orchestra and ensembles appropriate to the music.  Professional guests, both singers and instrumentalists, are invited to perform with the choir. We have also worked with RSC actors performing A Midsummer Night’s Dream and a Noel Coward evening.

Our education programme includes training music GCSE and College students alongside regular members, choosing works with children’s chorus and inviting composers and foreign conductors to work with the choir as well as linking up with the music conservatoires and University music departments.


Recent Performances


What the papers say:


St. John Passion  “Vivaldi Singers’ dramatic performance – conveying weight and importance of the Gospel.”

Serenade to music, Tippett Negro Spirituals  “fortunate to have so many talented singers in their ranks.”

Chichester Psalms  “Superb performance with harpist Victoria Davies”  Farnham Herald

The Armed Man  “The most riveting concert I have been to – a well deserved standing ovation.”  “An exceptional performance by wonderfully committed singers and some fine instrumentalists.”  Letter to Farnham Herald



Forthcoming Events

Booking enquiries 01252 332828


  1. Our next concert will be a programme of sacred and festive music held at St. Andrew's Church, Farnham, on 22nd November 2008 at 7.30pm. The programme will include Hanapachaq cuisicunin, Amazing Grace, The Blue Bird by Stanford, Greensleeves by R. Vaughan Williams, The Lord is my Shepherd by Goodall, Name that tune arr. Gritton and Three Kings by Jonathan Dove, as well as a selection of seasonal pieces with Guildford Friary Band. Entry by programme £12, concessions £10, students £5 and children under 12 free. Booking 01252 332828.








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