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Scroll down please. Pictures - Hermod, my dad, with trees from December 2006 blowdown, storms in Victoria, BC

The Social GAME

Oh, if only the terrorists had moved to dance their heart instead. We can only be bewildered by the violence and deceptiveness of the Terrorists NOT informed.
Bless your goodness and truth.

A CORPORATE "liberalism" is sweeping the country. The disparity of poor and rich grows and the less fortunate are not assured the basic access to good healthcare. Health is a Human Right. It is now free target for the Ralph Klein's and the former Ontario Premier Harris's, serious bullies of our era. Their bullets are fatal. We must defend access to medical care.

Romanow comes through for the Canadians! I am very happy the Liberals have spoken up for Public Health Care today. This could mean seniors won't lose their pensions and savings to pay outlandish prescription drug prices.
I hope Chretien has the resolve to follow through on the Romanow Report recommendations. As Naomi Klein states in "Fences and Windows", strong health, and provision for the public is integral to defense and protection from threats on Democracy. A people disenfranchised and divided is vulnerable. It has no adhesion to defy terrorism.
November 28, 2002

BC Liberals have been reelected in BC. A government report has just found sanitation and food sanitation at 80% of hospitals on Vancouver Island are now sub-standard and a danger to health at privatized hospital systems. July 1, 2005.

see article on Nurses' Union site declaring the value of public medicare, "Can We Afford to Sustain Medicare? A Strong Role for the Federal Government"

"Canada's Health Care 'Crisis'" - an excellent arcticle in "The" by Tom Sandborn, April 18, 2006"

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dance resume Forufera Studio

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Books By Friends. Books to Read.

breath_cover_outline.gif (17000 bytes)The tale of Anjali is enrapturing as we follow this woman across three decades beginning at the Bhopal gas explosion tragedy, a first marriage that finally combusts in the aftermath and the journey to find happiness in her next marriage. Finally there is one cloud over her life, we find, that Anjali finds she can never escape, a terrible legacy of the Bhopal Carbide Factory explosion she could never foresee.
The Carbide Factory Explosion of 1984 is a true event. Today, 3 decades later, the lawsuits are ongoing, for the families devastated that day. Amulya Malladi brings this event into our consciosness in a compasionate and touching story.
Cover art by Min Choi. Published by Ballantine.

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Who is Poet? What is the truth of his past and what is the music the fates will play for him at the finishing chapters of "The Fat Lady Sings"�? Read David Scott Milton's novel to discover.

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Picture above is from the book "Pixie en los Suburbios" by Ruy Xoconsotle Waye. My friend, Abraham Morales, contributed the illustrations.

Official site of Music Archivist Alan Lomax. extensive Danish Folk midi collection

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Love, for all my family, friends and my lover and husband - - Dale.

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Click the icon for Allan's travel webpage.

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Take care. God Bless.

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