As you are reading this, Void's first print issue is being created. It's taken a long time for Void to get to this point, so I for one am really fucking glad that it's finally happening. And even though you probably stumbled onto this site completely by accident, I know that you are too. So, about this print issue... it's chock full of reviews from the first online issues of Void, and more goodies, including a contest. Yes, a contest. And you have to participate, or else you will be promptly castrated.
So, Void looks...different, eh? Yes, it's our new look. We sucked a lot of corporate cock to get our slick web layout...or maybe there was just some html studying in between masturbation. Because that's what we do when we aren't writing reviews. You heard it here first, folks. Issue 4 will take longer to put out because of the print issue, but I assure you that work will resume on it as soon as the print issue is out in the paper world. Until then, enjoy Issue 3 and stay awesome. much love. Leah.

- Due to all of Void's files being deleted, the new date for the print issue is still pending. Bands: don't worry, I'm getting everything back. So still tell all your friends about the print issue.

-The "Give Void An Official Slogan" contest will commence when issue 1 is finally out. There will also be a neat survey for you to answer, pretty much because we can.

Void has a myspace now too. That conformist.

Copyright Leah, 2006
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