
W którą stronę jest Warszawa? In which direction is Warsaw?

Gdzie się znajduję Warszawa? Where is Warsaw?

The word “gdzie” means where. “Znajdujęwould mean found (as in “Where is this found?”) or located.

Lewo left

Prawo right

Prosto straight

The word “skręć” means “turn”. We use the particle “w”, which means “in”,

Skręć w lewo turn left

To say to turn in a specific distance, use the phrase “za [value] [unit]” before your phrase, or after. I recommend putting it at the beginning.

Za pięćset metrów, skręć w prawo In five hundred metres, turn right

If you want to say to turn into a specific area, use the particle w again, as it can be used for this purpose as well.

Za szejset metrów, skręc w prawo w ulicę Świętego Patryka In six hundred metres, turn right into Saint Patrick’s Street.

You might also encounter people using the words “idź” walk or jedź” – drive. The word “idź” also means go.

Idź prosto, aż zobaczysz fontannę – Go forward, until you see a fountain