A small nook in my website devoted to my favorite TV series. YAY CHARMED! It's even better than the X-Files. Yes, I know, that isn't saying much these days.
This is a fan page, I am in no way affiliated with the show. All pictures, symbols and characters are copyright of Aaron Spelling and WB.
The Halliwells
L to R: Phoebe (Alyssa Milano); Prue (Shannen Doherty); Piper (Holly Marie Combs)
Watch Charmed!
WB 54; 9:00 PM Thursdays

Grr!!! SOMETIMES it comes on at 3:00 AM Friday on
FX. Recently, it has not been shown.
Leo Wyatt (Brian Krause) with Piper
Pipers boyfriend and Whitelighter assigned to the Charmed Ones.
Cole Turner (Julian McMahon)
Belthazor, a demon assigned to destroy the Charmed ones. His human form, Cole, falls in love with Phoebe.
Dorian Gregory (Darryl Morris, SFPD Inspector)

Greg Vaughn (Dan, Pipers ex-boyfriend)
3 sisters come together after their grandmother dies and leaves them their childhood home in San Francisco, California. The youngest, Phoebe discovers an ancient book in the attic, the Book of Shadows, and by reciting a spell unlocks the powersshe and her sisters inherited from all the women in their family line. Prue has the ability of telekinesis (moving objects with her mind) and astral projection (seperating soul from body and being in two places at once). Piper can freeze time. Phoebe gets premonitions and eventually the ability to levitate. Together, they are known as the Charmed Ones.
A new world full of demons, warlocks, magic and other previously unknown phenomenon is opened to the sisters. The show follows in the adventures of these three sisters who also happen to be witches.
My Favorite Episodes

Blinded By The Whitelighter

Ex Libris

Honeymoon's Over

Chick Flick
4 Eva Charmed
Rexs Obsessed Charmed Fans Coven
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Spellbound: Transcripts
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The WB
Which Prue Is It Anyway?
[Cut to the living room. Phoebe is kicking and punching a dummy]
PRUE: Phoebe?
PHOEBE: Ooh..hi. I... uh.. was just...
PIPER: Opening up a can of whoop ass?
PHOEBE: He's gonna pay for himself the first time I kick ass on some unsuspecting gnarly beast. Come on, wanna see some moves?
PHOEBE: Come on, come on. (Prue uses her powers to move the dummy, and it hits Phoebe) Ya know, that is so unfair.
PRUE: Hey, demons do not play fair. (Phoebe gets Prue in an arm lock) Okay, okay, okay, okay.
PHOEBE: I didn't hear you say it.
PRUE: Pheebs, let go.
Charmed Dictionary
Incantations & Spells
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