NOTE: All information in this website (especially the Martial Arts section) is based on research that I did on my own. Anything that is not mine is cited, either beneath it (in the case of pictures) or in the bibliography, in the case of facts. If I have missed anyone or anything, my apologies, email me and we can take care of it.
The pets section is basedon my personal experiences and readings. I don't write on animals that I have not personally experienced. Remember that your veterinarian is the number one source of information about your pet (s)..
And if you want to sue me, the only thing I truly own of any value is my forest measurements kit, and you can have that, no court costs necessary. :-)
I would like to thank the following people: my parents and family for supporting me in everything I have done; my sister for keeping a healthy level of insanity in my life; Bridget for dragging me to Taekwondo in the first place; my roommate for putting up with late night practice sessions, missed kicks (one of which almost cost us a TV :-)) and that wrist incident; Josh and John for being awesome instructors of Taekwondo; Yahoo! Geocities for putting out Page Builder which allows computer-challenged people like myself to build decent web pages; Aaron Spelling and The WB for producing and showing Charmed, without which I would not survive this semester; Adam, for being my best friend and so much more; Ed, for introducing me to Adam; and lastly, all the rest of my friends for being there for me.
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