~Welcome to Missy-Miss's Home on the Web~

Thanks for checking out my page... as you can tell by my lack of recent updates, life has taken me in lots of new directions which hasn't left me much time to write anything new. I'm hoping to update a little more often now that stability has set in. In the meantime, I got rid of that really annoying menu on the left, and got rid of some boring pictures just taking up space on my Pictures page. My Live Journal is now the centerpiece of my home page (scroll down a bit), so check it out for some daily banter on life here in the sticks. Also, check out my new Curtis page for pictures of my fuzzy baby... you just have to love him!
�Take care, mis amigos!

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Disclaimer: All original works on this page are property of Missy-miss... not that you'd want to steal them anyway. Unfortunately, I am of no association with any of the links on my "About Me" page or my "Links" page (Obviously... or I wouldn't be hanging around here!). Hope that about covers it. Have a great day!


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