Welcome To

The Canton DesForge
These are the current middle ages!

In these critical times, we have
canton members in active military service!

The Canton meetings are on Tuesday night at the Trussville Community Center. Join us!

We have an event upcoming! Click here!

For other upcoming events around the Kingdom, click here!

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Who We Are:

We are a local branch of The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA), a non-profit educational organization devoted to learning and teaching the medieval ways of life, and having fun at the same time! We are the kids who used to daydream about the Times of Yore, the Knights In Shining Armor. Now that we have grown up, we have found a way to live those dreams! (on weekends, anyway...)
We reenact armored fighting, medieval dancing, feasting, and medieval arts & sciences. We dress in medieval clothes and subscribe to a code of chivalry and courtesy. We have kings and queens, scribes, musicians, artisans, knights in more-or-less shining armor, and a bunch of fun. Come join us!
Read on, and find out more about us...

What we do:
Many of our members research and practice medieval skills. Our reenactments are called "events", where we dress in medieval garb, and just be medieval for a day, or a weekend. This gives some members a chance to share their skills in their fields, and others to just wander around and enjoy it all! At a typical event, there will be fighters in armor having tournaments, a royal court where soveriegns make awards to people for different things, a sumptuous candlelight feast, music making (bardic circle, a kind of medieval jam session), and a grand revel (a ball with dancing and merry-making). In between all this, there are often gaming, merchanting, and classes on different things. It's a blast...
On this page, you will see some weird names, which are part of the fun. Members adopt a "persona", a name and personality of a person who may have existed in the time and place of their interest, and they are known in the SCA by that persona. They will also have a chance to design a "device", a kind of coat-of-arms for themselves, which becomes their trademark in the SCA.. The device in the upper left hand of this page is the device for our group, and is like no other in the SCA, thus anyone seeing this device at an event knows that our group is there.

A little background:
This whole thing began as a theme birthday party in 1966, and developed into what it is today. The "Known Worlde" is divided into nineteen kingdoms, in North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan. In the U.S., there are about 20,000 paid members, and probably five times that number of people who participate (you don't have to be an SCA member to play with us!). In Alabama, we are located in the Kingdom of Meridies (pronounced Muh-rid-ee-ace), ruled by a king and queen, who change every six months. Within the kingdoms are Baronies, Shires, and Colleges... Here in Trussville, Alabama, we are a sub-group (canton) of the Barony of Iron Mountain.

Check out some of the links at the bottom of the page for good stuff. But first:

Weekly Gatherings:
Note: medieval garb not required for meetings - Come as you are!

Tuesday nights
7:00 pm
Trussville Community Center
215 Parkway Drive
Trussville, Alabama

The subjects for meetings are usually:
1st Tuesday: Boring business meeting
2nd Tuesday: Class/Project
3rd Tuesday: Class/Project
4th Tuesday: Dance Practice
5th Tuesday: Pot luck Mini-feast!

Also remember: Weather permitting, our group conducts a fighter practice and general gathering on the second and fourth Sunday afternoons of each month in Civitan Park, on Main Street in Trussville, from 1:00 until whenever everyone is worn out. Drop by - open to the public, and no funny clothes required!

- Visitor's Center:

Current News!

Our populace

Some of our Favorite Links

A short synopsis of SCA chivalry

Who are these kings and queens anyway?

Fun Stuff!



Seneschal: Lady Isabella Dragonetti

Herald: Aislinn

Knight Marshall: THLord Johann Brotomoar

WebMinister: Lord Sean O'Neill

Legalese disclaimers and stuff:

This is the recognized website for The Canton DesForge of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and is maintained by Lord Sean O'Neill. This site may contain electronic versions of the group's governing documents. Any discepancies between the electronic version of any information on this site and the printed version that is available from the originating office will be decided in favor of the printed version.

Copyright 2004 The Canton DesForge. The original contributors retain the copyright of certain portions of this site.

For information on using photographs, articles or artwork from this site please contact the Webminister, who will assist you in contacting the original contributor of the piece. Please respect the legal rights of our contributors.

Please see our complete disclaimer.

Graphics by Baron Sir Jean Claude of Adlerstaat. Thanks, J.C.!

Last Tinkered With 4/3/07

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