One of the most visible aspects of SCA activity is armored fighting. To carry this to extremes, different kingdoms get together once a year and go to war with each other. Wars are huge events, attracting literally thousands of SCAdians from around the country. There are several wars every year in different parts of the country. Of course, we don't really kill each other, and when fighters are "killed" in battle, they have the option of being resurrected after a short time and rejoining the battle. The whole thing goes on until everyone is fully exhausted, and a winner is declared. When everyone is cleaned up and rested, they party and dance together...

Here in the southeast part of the country, the penultimate war is Gulf Wars, held annually in March, in Mississippi, near the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, thus "Gulf Wars". The whole thing is, officially, a war between the kingdoms of Trimaris (the Florida penninsula) and Ansteorra (Texas and Oklahoma), hosted by the kingdom of Meridies (the states between). It is a seven-day event, and attracts thousands of SCAdians; fighters, merchants, craftspeople, dancers, musicians, and observers. Fighters come in from other kingdoms too, and there is a bid process for them with the warring kingdoms, to get them to fight for their side. The whole thing is a grand event, and a fantastic website is found at
The Official Gulf Wars Website.
Check it out.

In the eastern part of the United States, the uber war is Pennsic War, held in August, in Pennsylvania. This is the war between the kingdom of the Middle, and the kingdom of the East. Fighters come from all over the U.S. and Canada, and this ten-day event is the largest SCA war in the Known Worlde, attracting 10,000+ people annually. The Pennsic war has been going for 30 years!
Find out about it at
The Official Pennsic War Website.

The photo above is a postcard of a small corner of a battle at the Pennsic War.
Yep, the local town makes up POSTCARDS of the war...

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