Table of Contents


The following material has been generated though the years as Rob and Dave have "talked" about a very wide variety of Volkswagen-related topics by e-mail. We have tried to edit the material to make it a bit less "conversational," but that effort is on-going.

Also included herein is material gleaned from various VW newsgroup conversations and direct e-mail correspondence with other Volkswagen enthusiasts. Various other VW Websites have been quoted; references are provided for those quotes. The material has been organized into nineteen general topics related to the care and feeding of VW Bugs, as outlined in the Table of Contents below.

Note that each Table of Contents entry is a link directed to the material (usually a procedure) on that topic. In addition, each topic and sub-topic in the entire work have been organized into a comprehensive index, each entry being a link. This enables the reader to go directly to the topic of his or her interest.

After the Introduction, the first of the following 18 topics is "Fuel System," followed by "Ignition System." "Fuel and Spark" are the first questions we always ask regarding our ailing Bugs, as they are the essentials if our car is going to run. Discussion of the Fuel and Ignition systems lays the groundwork for Tune-up, as these topics are very much interrelated. Most of the questions we have received have been regarding general tune-up. The organization of the material beyond that point is a bit more random, but a fairly logical progression.

- Dave


Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Fuel System
  3. Ignition System
  4. Tune-Up
  5. The VW Cooling Air System
  6. Electrical System
  7. Engine
  8. Clutch
  9. Transaxle
  10. Exhaust/Muffler
  11. Heat When Its Cold Outside
  12. Brakes
  13. Wheels
  14. Suspension and Steering
  15. Body
  16. Interior
  17. Tools
  18. Routine Maintenance
  19. Miscellaneous


All of the topics and subtopics herein are also presented in an alphabetical, linked Index.

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Disclaimer stuff: Rob and Dave have prepared this information from their own experiences. We have not assumed any specialised mechanical knowledge, but we DO assume that anyone using this information has at least some basic mechanical ability.

We hope you find this information useful, but we don't take any responsibility for anything which happens to you, other people, your VW or any other property or goods resulting from your use of this material.

Feel free to print off any of this information for your own use. If you intend to link this material to another site, reprint it, or in any other way redistribute it, please leave the information complete, including this disclaimer section, and provide a link to this Web site.

Contact us.

Have fun fixing your VW - just keep them fweeming, OK?

Last revised 14 July 2004.

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