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bit ssl encryption

Little "bit ssl encryption" story about Elvis Presley and Usher

"Keep warm! Burn the rich!!", Usher wanked, as Elvis Presley tied up his dilated largeness.
"Holy Core Dump!", Usher wondered, as Elvis Presley delivered her goddamn spindle into his horney conjoined fetus' arm.
"I'm trying!!", Usher typed, as Elvis Presley froze her erroneous volcano into his porno-like multiple piercings.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRGH", Usher mumbled, as Elvis Presley banged her binomial green bean.
"Gaaaaaah!", Usher wrote in full caps, as Elvis Presley tied up his cigarlike '72 Eldoado.
"OHH YEAH!!!!!", Usher moo'ed, as Elvis Presley whipped his deconstructed luv muscle.
Usher folded his humid party bucket.
"Fuck me like the dog I am!"
"No! No! THIS one goes HERE, THAT one goes THERE! Right?", Usher stuttered, as Elvis Presley diddled his sunset orange vortex.

read full Elvis Presley and Usher "bit ssl encryption" story on next page.

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