Quotes from Govynda

What can I say about myself? I run the genreal upkeep of things on this site and I am sort of like a historian for both the HellForge and the rest of the group. I'm cynical, I'm whiny, and I'm always here. Go figure.

"What are you thinking about?"
-Vyn and Balth (just because it appears he's lost in deep thought doesn't mean he actually is)

"Arrrrr....I can't see..."
-Angie and Vyn (response to a picture of a guy with patches over his eyes in the first aid book. Think 'blind pirate' and you're there.)

"No, not now. I only do that during happy time." (which is rarely ever)

"Oooh....recycled folders..." (a box one of her birthday presents was wrapped in)

"Which would you rather have in your mouth, snake poison or snot?"
"Who's snot?"
"Baby snot."
"Oh. Snake poison."
-Vyn asking Angie a stupid question in First Aid

"Say it ain't sooooooooo! Watermelon canteloupe..."
-Angie and Vyn singing "Say It Ain't So" by Weezer (so we forgot the words...what of it?)

"No way. 'Celine' is French-Canadian for 'Satan'." (I'm a big music snob, too)

"Look! Rain is making tile angels!" (Rain was laying in the middle of Rey's kitchen floor)

"Screw this, I'm going potty!" (getting tired of closing my ears to Rey and Rain)

"Anything else? Has Rain said anything incredibly bright today?"
"It's just like everyday!"
-Vyn, Rain, and Rey (updating the QuoteBook)

"Speaking of Mexican Owls of Death, where's Sheffy?" (asking Vyx where Mr. Sheffield went in Comp)

"I want Skittles."
"I want a bulldozer!"
-Vyx and Vyn (on the overcrowding in the hallways at school)

"It's our right to wear ugly socks!"
-Vyx and Vyn (The Ugly Sock Campaign)

"I got Rahda the perfect Christmas present."
"A baby?"
"Yeah, I'm pregnant!"
"Really?! Cool!"
-Andy and Vyn (call the zoo!)

"When I grow up, I'm moving to the mountains, but I'm going to miss the beach."
"Why don't you move someplace that has mountains and a beach?"
"I don't want to move to Colorado!"
-Balthasarr and Vyn (Balth's mad geographical skillz...)

"I'm queen of the world!" (about two seconds before a wave knocked me off of the raft at the beach)

"Hey Vyx, what's the difference between corduroy and velour?"
"They're like potato chips....velour are the regular ones and corduroy are the ridgy ones."
-Vyn and Vyx (because it just can't be lunch time fast enough)

"EEEEEEEK! *wham!*"
-Vyn and Vyx (slamming our heads on our desks)

"Are you two sisters?"
"No.....YES! *high five*"
-Rahda and Vynda's Roxbury comeback line for the sibling question (if you've see the movie, you get the joke)

Why is it that when I'm perfectly healthy I stumble around like a ditz, but I can answer infinite questions about the beginnings of the universe when I'm sick?" (because I'm deranged)

"I'm a faery. An e-e-e-e-e-e-e-evil faery. Bwahahaha!" (well I am!)

"What's wrong?"
"Grrr! I'm so mad! I had to get in the longest line at lunch, and they didn't have french fries, they only had TATER TOTS!"
"*laughs uncontrollably*"
"Don't laugh, you're next!"
-Vyn and Balth (not cafeteria food, soylent green)

"Bad little girls get their brains washed out with soap! Come on, Vyn, stick out you're brains!"
-Balth and Vyn (don't ask. You don't want to know.)

"(singing)...*paranoia, paranoia, everybody's coming to get me...*"
"Are you sure they're not just running from you?"
-Balth and Vyn (a 'Flagpole Sitta' conspiracy theory)

"Spread your legs, Vyn."
-Balth and Vyn (minds ot of the gutter, kiddies. He just wanted to sit on my lap)

"No, I live in my head. It has shag carpeting and day-glo wallpaper." (lady on phone: "Do you live here?")

"'Medical Gardens'? I don't want to romp through hypodermic needles and biological waste!" (sign on building: 'Medical Gardens')

"You bent my book!"
"You broke my CD Player!"
"You sunk my battleship!"
-Dru, Spacebrak, and Vyn

Sign on Building: "Yung Ho's Tai Kwan Do" "Haha..special discounts on self-defense for prostitutes..."

"WHOOOOO ARE YOOOOU?" talking to a caterpillar)

"Yeah, they now have a cross between a microwave and an oven."
"I think they call it a 'Moven'."
-Rey and Vyn (kitchen technology has reached a new high)

"I really don't know what to put in these thank you cards..."
"Try, 'Thank you for the $20 check. I will use it to buy drugs.' "
-Vyn and Dad (I assure you, my parents trust me. Really they do.)

"Hmm. Electronic Chess."
"Yeah, now I can finally play with myself....CHESS! CHESS! I can play CHESS with myself!"
-Vyn and Spacebrak (I think I'm adopted...)

"Yeah...two kids and a foreign exchange student."
"Yeah, Dru's an exchange student!"
"What are you talking about, Habib?"
-Vyn and Spacebrak

"There are so many flies in the room..."
"Turn the light off and they'll go away."
"Now they're all at the tv!"
"Turn the tv off and they'll go away."
"Yeah, that's what they want you to think. When you turn the tv off, they'll still all be flying around...zoom, zoom! And then, they all get in their own little groups, and it becomes Lord of the Flies...and Dru's Piggy, and you're Jack, and I'm Ralph..."
-Spacebrak and Vyn (maniacal raving runs in the family)

"One of three state slogans appearing on Alaska's liscense plates."
"What is, 'Damn, it's cold!'?"
-Alex Trebek and Vyn (speaking before I think again)

"Oww! I just burped out my nose!"
"Ugh! I did it again!"
"*laugh* That's gross."
"What, you've never burped out of your nose?"
"I do it all the time!"
"This will probably end up in the quotebook. You'd better shut your mouth before you regret it."
"I'd better shut my nose."
-Balthasarr and Vyn (for the record, I haven't heard Balth complaining about nose burping since)

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