What's Up, B?!

Update by Vynda, 0004.18

*sniff, whine, cry* We are gathered here today to say goodbye to an old friend - an old friend who made us laugh and peer into the neurosis of one slightly middle-aged man. We are here to bid one final farewell to the SHAWT. Throughout it's year-old lifespan, the SHAWT has bought us many laughs and rekindled memories of our own experiences with the pondscum of the human race known as the average customer. From that very first entry when the burnout lost his bag of chronic in the store to the last when the employee at the secondary branch confused "not any" with a female member of the cloth, the SHAWT has produced a plethora of absurd entries that have inspired my own chronicles of work-related stupidity. So, vaya con dios, SHAWT. You will be missed.
Oh, yeah, and Flux and I are headed to state competition for the next four days. We're gonna kick total ass! YEAH! Maybe...

Update by Vynda, 0004.17

Updated the QuoteBook. That's all folks.

Update by Vynda, 0004.09

some slight additions to the QuoteBook, just some pre- and post-prom tidbits. When I recover, maybe I'll remember what all was said last night.
We did have a lot of fun at prom. I 'specially liked the fact that nobody recognized me with my hair done up and makeup on. I'm gonna hafta try that more often. My mom thinks someone spiked the punch cos I was really happy and all dancin and singin in the car on the way home last night. Me, Flux, and Jeda crashed @ my house and didn't get to sleep till about 3 a.m. The original post-prom plan was to eat pizza and watch Yellow Submarine for the umpteenth time, but we ended up spending our time trying to get to sleep (which is kinda hard when you've got three ultrahyper teenage girls in a small room). I'm glad I didn't die of exhaustion. That would've sucked.

Update by Vynda, 0004.05

Prom's Saturday night. Reythe, dahhling, if you're reading this and I die from exhaustion before then, have them bury me in my prom dress. I lost 10 friggin pounds for that thing, and I'll be damned if I'm not gonna wear it. Also make sure the hymns are replaced with Beatles songs (esp. "Hey Jude" and "Across the Universe"). I believe we've already discussed the other arrangements.
I am dead tired. I just wanna sleep for days on end yet I can't find the time. And little things are pissing me off. Like why can't I find "Pearl" by Love and Rockets on Napster? And why does my cat have to constantly paw at the ground before she can sit down while I am trying to listen to the Paul McCartney interview on Entertainment Tonight, which is already being ruined by my mother and youngest brother who are arguing. And tomorrow's going to be all crazy like. Kendra (Balth's date to prom) is going to be there (she flew in from I dunno where), so I get to meet her, and I have to read for two minutes in front of a camera for journalism, even though I've already told Ms. K that I am under no circumstances getting on camera (mostly b/c I have the tendency to associate television journalism with a certain public safety announcement Reythe and I never got to do for her TV production class which involved popsicle sticks and fire [but that's another story]). Oooh...I have an Economics Honors test tomorrow...I'd forgotten about that.

Update by Vynda, 0004.04

Wow...last week was the week from the Twilight Zone...too bad it didn't include an eight story drop in an elevator shaft. ^_^
Yesterday was definitely the most interesting field trip I think I've ever been on. My psych/soc teacher and mentor Mrs. M took us (6 upperclassmen and about 45 freshmen) to St. Petersburg (near Tampa) to the JFK exhibit @ the Florida Museum, the Florida Holocaust Museum, and the Salvador Dali museum. The JFK exhibit was okay, I probably wouldn't have gone if I was in town by myself. They gave you headphones and a walkman and an audio tape and set you free. Most of everything they had there was the private collection of Kennedy's obviously nitpicky secretary, Evelyn Lincoln. From there we ate lunch in a beautiful little park, despite the throes of pigeons (stupid flying rats...always flying away before you can hit 'em with a paper bag...j/k). After that we went down the block to the Florida Holocaust Museum, where they had a special exhibit on Anne Frank and an art gallery of Holocaust-inspired work. They also had a boxcar from Treblinka, but we weren't allowed in it. The Salvador Dali museum was next on the agenda, but I was completely irked that we only got to spend 45 minutes there because of this group of freshmen who were complaining that we were going to all these museums (this field trip cost each person $22 to go, and the itenerary was presented before we had the oppourtunity to pay. If you want that damn bad to get out of school, why not skip instead of ruining it for everyone else?). So anyway, the Dali museum was great, especially finally being able to pick out tiny hidden images on "The Hallucenogenic Toreador" (well, that and standing five feet away from the actual painting was pretty darn groovy in itself). They also had a Surrealist exhibit which had Piccassos ("I could do that." -Me), Magrittes (my favorite painter. Fluxxie had to pull me away b/c I was less than an inch away from the signature on "The Flowers of the Abyss", which was not under glass nor was it roped off), and Duchamps ("I don't get it." "It's a Duchamps. You're not supposed to get it." -Flux and Vyn). So after the whole Magritte incedent, we walk into the next room and Flux just about swooned and started raving hysterically because there, on a raised platform on the floor in front of her, was her favorite sculpture, "Woman with Her Throat Cut" by Alberto Giacometti (now who's the morbid one?). I was severly disappointed at the gift shop there. They didn't have a "Hallucenogenic Toreador" shirt in, and the socks with clocks on them were $15 (tr� expensive for my tastes). Anyways, after that we went to the Pier, where Flux and I had dinner on an obsevation deck over the Gulf of Mexico with a few of her friends before we got back on the bus for the 3 hour journey home. All in all, it was very intellectually stimulating but I think I've gone into culture shock. Maybe school will ease my mind...don't learn anything there anyways...'specially not correct grammar.

Update by Vynda, 0004.02

Guess what? Life pranked me yesterday. Pretty melodramatic, huh? Work did too. Our cash register had some sort of weird vendetta against me and our customers were weirder than normal.
Guy on Phone: "What time d'y'all close?"
Me: "Nine o'clock."
Guy on Phone: "Nine p.m.?"
Me: "Yes, sir."
Guy on Phone: "So y'all'll be open till then?"
No, it's an elaborate prank! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! We're already closed! It's only 4 in the afternoon! We WANT to lose business!
*sigh* In other news, we lost the InExOb Vice Presidential Election, one of my best friends is engaged to an octopus monster god, I updated the QuoteBook a little, and I've just been informed that roly-poly fish heads are never seen drinking cappuchino in Italian restaurants with Oriental women. Feel free to feel updated.

Update by Vynda, 0003.31

Alright, the Cthulhu for President page is up and updated as much as possible. There's a special announcement from Cthulhu that will be transcribed this evening, so stay tuned!

Update by Vynda, 0003.29

Alright, *most* of my Cthulhu for President page is up and running. As of this morning, Cthulhu is 3rd place in the InExOb VP race, so go VOTE!

Update by Vynda, 0003.28

As I visited this week's InExOb, I suddenly realized that in about 45 days I will be able to vote in our next presidential election. About that time I also realized I have absolutely no confidence in anyone running. I mean, look at the two front runners, Algore and Dubbya. Where do I even BEGIN?? First off, Algore is just completely ridiculous. Stick him in a forest and one might mistake him for a tree. A rather stupid tree, but a tree nonetheless. And talk about someone who puts his foot in his mouth a little too often...I thought the whole inventing the internet claim was a bit off, but that whole thing about he and Tipper being the model for 'Love Story'?? She's not dead! It can't be! Does he actually believe this? And then there's Dubbya. Let's just not even go there. It's bad enough we have one Bush running the state I live in (and, believe me, Jeb's just as big an idiot as his bro), we don't need someone who's more so or equally braindead as Jeb. So what are my other options? Well, I could vote Pat Buchanan. Hahahahahahahahahaha...no. What about Alan Keyes? I don't think so. Grandpa Munster? He's looking like a good option. But, I think I've found my candidate. Cthulhu. He's powerful, he's feared, and he's an octopus. Here's why you should vote for Cthulhu, an here's just one of the many ways you can vote for Cthulhu. Vote early, vote often, and vote for Cthulhu!

Update by Vynda, 0003.26

Happy Birthday to Rahda, Happy Belated Birthday to Vyxxyn, and Happy Unbirthday to Me, Reythe, Fluxxie, Balthasarr, Rain, and Kaos.
Just got back from a 4 day trip from Busch Gardens. Ahhh....Busch Gardens...an entire theme park devoted to rollercoasters and beer. We had fun (even though I had just gotten the theme song from Terry Gilliam's Brazil [a wonderful little film] outta my head when the "World Rhythms on Ice" show [that mispelled Abbey Road when they did the England sequence] did a whole sequence on Brazil [the country], complete with that song), and, despite going with my family, noone fought the entire time. And I got my vengance in Tarpon Springs, finally. Okay, let me tell you how. Tarpon Springs (for those of you who don't know) is a Greek sponge-diving community on Florida's west coast. It's a wonderful little town, with Greek bakeries on every corner. Well, about 4 years ago, we went and I bought a chocolate mousse sponge cake from a bakery called Hella's (I was trying to remember it the other day, and thought it was "Hello Bakery". haha, yeah...a subsidary of Sanrio.). So anyway, we went back to the hotel and I decided to save the cake till breakfast. Breakfast comes and I decide to save it for an afternoon snack. So we leave the hotel, and when we come back and find the maid that cleaned the room ate my cake and took some of our sodas out of the cooler! Well, this trip I finally got to eat my chocolate mousse cake. Who knows, maybe that's the key to my eternal happiness. Oh quit yawning. It was special to me.

Update by Vynda, 0003.21

Phase I of Spring Break started this afternoon at exactly 1:50 p.m. EST. Got off the bus and came home to find my dad (he's on vacation this week) sitting in the living room listening to some very strange piano music. Of course it dawns on me that daddy's been out to the junkshop in Palatka and got some new records. What'd he end up getting? "Alley Cat" by Bent Fabric (the weird piano music. the cat on the cover looks like Abbey), "Improvisations to Music" by Mike Nichols (director of The Birdcage) and Elaine May (writer of The Birdcage)[think 'Whose Line Is It Anyway?' except less funny and circa 1960], and "Welcome to My Nightmare" by Alice Cooper ("It's got Vincent Price in it!" -Dad). I had to laugh at the Alice Cooper one. First thing I asked him was if he'd told mom about that first. He said he had, and she thought he was joking with her (she hates when dad or I buy things like this). So we put it on (it's very good quality for a record), and just started making jokes. It's very RHPS (Rocky Horror Picture Show). The phone rings, and I answer, "Hell." It was for dad, so I gave it to him and he said, "Satan speaking." Good thing it was one of the bros. Listening to it again later, Dru (the baby) had an interesting comment to make about the track "Only Women Bleed". "That's not true! I'm not a woman! I bleed!"
Random Thought: I wonder what the chances of me getting Metallica to cover "Little Black Raincloud" from Winnie the Pooh would be...

Update by Vynda, 0003.20

Kaos finally got added to the Quotebook. It's about time.
This weekend was tiring, albeit interesting. Friday night, Rah, Andy, Balth, Flux, and I went out to Gainesville to buy Vyx a birthday present. On our way there, we spotted a guy with a shaved head wearing a neo-Nazi shirt hitchiking with a black guy in a Black Panthers shirt. We figured wherever they were headed, there was probably a race supremacy awareness rally. Saturday was pretty much a wash, with the exception of being able to see Reythe, which I hadn't done in a while. Sunday was boring as well, though I had enough time to write a few more poems and finish my outline for my 1984 essay. Which brings us to today, where I am sitting in Digital Publishing II and waiting for this afternoon when Flux, Balth, Vyx and I are going to go pick up Rah's present. Yay. I could not be more enthused.

Update by Vynda, 0003.17

A Happy St. Patty's Day to ya all!
To celebrate Flux having her license for a whole week (and managing not to kill us taking us to and from school), me, Flux, Jeda, and my little brother SpaceBrak went out for breakfast at McDonald's this morning. Since I'm on a diet (a quite astonishing thing, might I add. I'm only doing it for my own damn good.), I didn't eat anything (well, SB gave me a hash brown 'cos he didn't want it, but that's beside the point). The focal point of the whole brekkie thing was this group of old guys that we thought were talking about fishing, but we never did decipher the actual point of their conversation. At one point, one of them was talking about gas prices and some secret hoarde of gas he has hidden somewhere. Then, one of the old guys said, "The other day I had hot dogs and beans, and WOOOOOOOOOH!" and that was the extent of the conversation.
Uhh...I gotta go now. They're after me Lucky Charms again...

Update by Vynda, 0003.15

Beware the Ides of March. They cause me to be more precocious.
Updated the Quotebook, Fluxxie got her license, FBLA awards ceremony was last night...ahh yes! the FBLA awards! I was in two team competitions (both with Fluxxie), Desktop Publishing (we placed fourth) and Chapter Webpage (we placed second). I am extremely pissed about that webpage thing. Here's the people who won first place, and here's our page. Who's the obvious winner here?!?!? Our page was MUCH more professional and nicer looking all the way around! OOOOOOOH! That made me so very, very angry! That's okay, though, 'cos us ferrets are gonna blow everyone away at state. Bet the higher judges have TASTE.

Update by Vynda, 0003.07

Note to every dress designer that for some odd reason may read this page: Just because you're going to prom does NOT mean that you are a size 00 and that you look smashing in pastels! I don't care if it is springtime and baby pink is a very feminine color, it's not flattering on every girl out there! Me? I suppose I'll show up in an old black rag with a gin-yew-wine mink stole (I'll achieve the latter by running one over on the way there). I realize prom is an insanely corrupt suar� for the pretty and popular people or for the ones who just want to be seen, but I've got the notion in my head that I'm going to go so maybe I can look back in 50 years (when i'm living in my avacado-colored rusty van down by the river with 23 cats and no family) and think, "Wow. That night I thought I was beautiful, even if noone else thought I was." And I'm going stag too. Not that I didn't try with all of my might to get a date, mind you (by the way, if anybody feels the urge to e-mail Miguel and tell him what a complete asshole he is for never even bothering to acknowledge my invitation to prom, e-mail me and I'll get you in touch with the bastard). At least prom will be a chance for me to wear my tiara without everybody staring at me like I'm a complete lunatic for wearing one in public. I hope. Depends on how good of a costume I can muster up. Hey....I wonder if i can get an old and tattered Victorian barmaid's dress and some makeup so i can go as a Ripper victim. Bet the admins would love that...

Update by Vynda, 0003.03

Talent Show Day finally arrived, and not a moment too soon. I was getting kind of sick dealing with it. Vyx, Balth, and I are all on the newspaper staff (the sponsors), so we spent most of our day running around setting things up and taking things down and getting ice and water and cups for the judges. I have a headache from it, but it was worth it. An aquaintence of mine named Mikki won best of show for a modern dance routine to "Rockafeller Skank" by FatBoy Slim, and her performace totally kicked ass. The only things better than her were the two bands (who weren't judged), Safety in Numbers and Cid Brown. CB kicked so much ass!! You will go to their website and download the mp3 of "Done" right now! Well, maybe you'll read the rest of this and then go, but, hey...free country. Anyways, they sound like a mix between Korn and Metallica. We almost had a mosh pit going before the administrators made everyone go back and sit down (yours truly stayed seated the entire time. Me and Vyxxie had to restrain ourselves from getting up and jumping around). Then they were all gonna make CB leave, but we protested and got them to do an encore. They completely rock. So do check them out (even though the pictures on the site don't work all that well), and mosh near your computer and be happy. ~*~zen~*~
Okay, I have no idea where that came from, but it can just go back.

Update by Vynda, 0003.02

Another week has gone by, and still I ponder the inevitable, "how many days till the end of school?" scenario. I have got the worst case of 'senioritis' any of my friends have ever seen. Just so lethargic and daydreamy....MMMMMM....Tower of Terror.....(yes, those are 3 seperate pages)
By the way, check out Assassin - Kill Celebrities! Actually quite therapudic, although the flash ones are the only good ones (the Java and HTML pages just don't have the same magic).

Update by Vynda, 0002.28

How's THAT for a facelift???

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