
Also known as "Finger needle" or "Finger pressure," the practice of Acupressure was developed from the ancient Chinese art of Acupuncture - its roots can be traced back five-thousand years.  Acupressure is appealing for many reasons.  It is a safe procedure, no instruments or equipment need to be purchased, the techniques can be learned in a relatively short period of time, and last but not least, IT WORKS!

In regards to our health, illness reflects a disturbance in the Yin-Yang equilibrium - Acupressure is directed towards restoring a normal Yin-Yang balance. The benefits of acupressure range from pain relief to improving blood circulation, and from cosmetic & beauty to preventative medicine. However, with the use of acupressure comes a severe caution. It is to be remembered that pains and aches are nature's way of informing you that "something is wrong." Even when your pain disappears from the use of acupressure, it is essential to see your health-care practitioner for further examination.

Point Focus: "Colon 4" - The Master Point of the Face
Colon4 is located on the back of the hand (dorsal surface), anterior to the angle of the first two metacarpals.  In other words, place your thumb beside your index finger, and you will see the web form a little hill.  The highest point of the web is the location of colon4 (see figure).  This powerful point can treat many different ailments, including headaches, toothaches, shoulder pain, tension, and any discomfort of the face and mouth.  It is very effective at relieving pain and tension!  So next time you feel this way, try massaging this point (with almost any blunt object - your finger would be most convenient!) for a while and see if your pain abates. 
NOTE: This point is not to be used in pregnant women.

Damon Lee R.Ac, RPN
Phone: 604.464.6061 for more information on Acupressure and other Alternative Therapies



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