Chapter 4
Section C

One of the major problems people have with computers are computer viruses.

This page intends to explain what computer viruses are and distinguishes between three other computer problems often associated with computer viruses. Three other problems are Trojan horses, worms and bots. To read more about one of this three please click on the links below.

Trojan Horses



Computer Virus Info

What is a computer virus: A computer virus is a set of program instructions that attaches itself to a file, reproduces itself, and spreads to other files. You might encounter several types of viruses.

A virus that attaches itself to an application program, such as a game utility, is known as a file virus.

A boot sector virus infects the system files your computer uses every time you turn it on. 

A macro virus infects a set of instructions that automates document and worksheet production.

Viruses can slip into your computer from a variety of sources, such as floppy disks, homemade CDs, and Web sites that contain games and other supposedly fun stuff. E-mail attachments are another common source of viruses. HTML-formatted e-mail is susceptible to viruses and worms hidden in program-like "scripts" that are embedded in HTML tags.

To find more information computer viruses check out the following links 

How Stuff Works
Computer Virus FAQ for New Users


Please Click Here to Checkout Viruses Protection Websites


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