Carrie's narcissistic rants and raves.
Manipulation and a Facial
A while back, I went to get a facial from a lady in Yuba City, CA, and my mom went with me. When I was done, I bought some products from the aesthetician; we'll call her Jane*. One of the products was an exfoliating scrub, and Jane was explaining to me how to use it. I happened to have a zit, and she said, "Now if you have a blemish like that, be careful not to manipulate it. Do you know what I mean by 'manipulate'?"

Me: Deadpan: "Tell it what it wants to hear so I can take it home with me?"

Mom: **Eye roll and exasperated sigh** (by now she is used to my snarkiness)

Jane: .................

Me: ...............

Jane: ............"Um, no. Don't use the scrub on it."

Me: "Oh. Right, ok. Thanks."

Mom: **sigh**

*Jane wasn't her real name; her real name was Linda.

2007-06-25 21:10:25 GMT
I Wish I Could Remember Last Night...
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