Carrie's narcissistic rants and raves.
I Need a Cigarette...
I may have just gotten laid, although I'm not sure.

I went in for a massage during my lunch hour today, and I'm pretty sure my massuese was having a better time than I was. In his favor, he didn't say one word about the huge tattoos on my back (that every masseuse before him has commented on), but he also spent a lot of time rubbing on the sides (you know how girl sides are...with the waist and hip curves, and the boobs squishing out and whatnot). Now, I appreciate the human body just as much as the next person, so I don't really blame him. But, by the time he had lifted up the sheet 10 times to check me out, and then gave me an ass massage, I was feeling pretty tense instead of relaxed. I mean, isn't the massagee supposed to proposition the "happy ending"? Because I'm pretty sure the massager was doing the propositioning in this case.

I shouldn't be complaining; it is the most action I've seen in months. And, that's what I get for wearing my lucky underwear to get a massage.

Oh, and for the record, I've had better foot massages.

PS I don't smoke, but after all that action, I considered starting.

2007-06-27 21:54:00 GMT
I Wish I Could Remember Last Night...
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