Carrie's narcissistic rants and raves.
A New Job and Leather Pants
I like my job. I like the people I work with. But, I have decided I need a new job or a second job in which I can wear leather pants.

I think if I have a job that embraces leather pants, I can be free to be myself. With the job I have now, I keep my personality in check at all times (because, let's face it, not everyone appreciates my sense of humour).

I used to be a bartender, and let me tell you, that was a wild lifestyle. Not only could I be myself, but others would outdo me in the "outrageous" department. It was incredible.

So why did I quit? When we would get off work at 3:00 am, my coworkers and our groupies and hangers-on would go to the basement and dable in brown sugar and white horse (if you know what I mean, and I think you do). Now believe me when I say I partied HARD, and I do mean that, but I did not partake of the readily available substances (with the exception of alcohol...I was a bartender, after all). But, I also had issues with just standing back and watching people my age (21/22) and younger just screwing themselves up, without the possiblity of making a come-back. So I jumped ship.

And yet, perhaps I should take up bartending again, as a part-time thing. At least I can wear leather pants.

Have ideas about jobs where I can wear leather pants? I welcome any and all suggestions.
2007-06-28 16:53:32 GMT
Comments (3 total)
Great, I used to be a bartender too. Check out the place I have been working:

I think you can imagine I also did a lot of partying ha ha
--Paul van Erk
2007-06-28 17:14:26 GMT
Nice! Looks like a fun place to work.

Yes, I can imagine the partying you've done. :-) I have yet to meet a conservative bartender. I miss that job :-).
2007-06-28 17:45:14 GMT
Motorcycle sales? Dominatrix?
--Trish Scott
2007-06-28 21:29:12 GMT
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