How to secure your future in Singapore?


Everyone has fantasized about having a high salaried job, owning a dream home, driving that sports car, going anywhere for a holiday whenever they want to, etc.

But now, I would like to request that you take some time to imagine how life would be if you were to stay in a company for years and never be considered for a promotion, not being able to apply for a job you have always wanted because you do not have the minimum qualification, slog your life away paying HDB and renovation loans, having to worry about sustaining your family with a $2000 to $3000 salary, in short having to worry about money all the time.

What I am about to share with you is not a get-rich-quick scheme that promises riches with minimal effort, but an opportunity to increase your market value and secure at least an average lifestyle and future in Singapore with ease.

So, are you ready to secure your future?

If you have not equipped yourself with the necessary 'Passport' i.e. Diploma, Degree, Master Degree, required in our ever practical society; Singapore, is it due to:

CONFIDENCE? Worried that even after putting in so much time & effort, you may still even fail the course and loose all your hard earned money? I can offer ASSISTANCE.

TIME? Worried that you may not find time for classes, meet the 75% or 80% class attendance requirement? I can offer ASSISTANCE.

MONEY? Worried that you may not be able to make the semester payments ranging from $2,000 - $4,000? We offer bank (POSB, Maybank, RHB Bank, CitiBank) loans with tenures up to 5 years. Eg: For a $15,000 Degree course, the monthly installment is only $290 for 5 years.

Worried that a study loan may affect your savings plan? The market value difference between a Degree and Diploma Holder is stipulated to be about $500 + $80 (Employer CPF contribution 16%) = $580.

($580 x 13 months = $7,540)
($7,540 x 2 years = $15,080)

Note: The above illustration is based on only 13 months annual salary and does not include any variable bonus and the Degree holder�syearly increments that the company may offer. You will earn your school fees back in 2 years.

My Assurance to You:

1) Genuine Cert and Transcripts offered by Universities.

2) Your student ID will be captured in the University�s data base.

3) Your student ID will be captured in my Institution�s data base.

4) Unlock your door to a world of opportunities.

5) Secure that job and future you have always wanted.

6) Accelerate your wealth.

7) Assistance will be provided.

8) Guaranteed lower prices than most private institutions, e.g. University of London Degree is only $20800. (Proof can be shown, or you may choose to call the institutes to compare prices.)

Assurances 1 to 6 may not be anything unique compared to other institutes, but 7 & 8 are sweeteners in my offer to you.

Why should you enroll into our Institution?


We have to admnit the fact that some of us are born to excel whereas others are just averagers. But all of us deserve a chance to show what we can achieve, and to earn that chance in our society, you will need that 'Passport'.

You may be thinking you would want a good 'Passport'. I will then ask you will any of the 3 factors above affect you from attaining your objective? If your answer is yes, would you rather acquire an average 'Passport' from our Institution?

And due to the fact that our Institution has been around for almost 10 years in a small country where bad review(if there is any) spreads like wild fire, you can rest assure that the certifications we offer are recgonized.

"Success is dependant on the decisions you make today."

"Opportunities come and go, but Success comes to those who grab it"

"One usually complain on the lack of opportunities but seldom blame themselves for the lack of effort put into creating opportunities."

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What are you waiting for? A 5 to 10 minutes conversation may Change Your Life, if you or your friends are concerned about the future, call me now at 91807093. (Drop me an SMS if I happen to miss your call or you cannot get thru my line.) Do refrain from asking questions online.

Be assured that your phone call to me

Take that step Now and not loose out to your peers or colleagues in our Society's rat race to Success.

Thank you for your time.

Note: If you ever forget the location of my Website URL, just search "istartedu" in Singapore Yahoo Auctions.
To remember "istartedu", just keep in mind "i start edu" or "i started u".

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