A Day In Williamsburg

Colonial Williamsburg in southeastern Virginia is a historical area that simulates village life in the pre-Revolutionary War days of English colonies in Virgina. One must purchase a ticket to go inside the buildings and participate in the tours, but anyone is free to walk around outside on the streets and look in the shops. It's a great place to go when the weather is good. There are often many different kinds of people walking around. Many people bring their dogs, so it's also a good place to enjoy looking at all kinds of dogs. One can also often see horses, cattle, and sheep as all of those animals were part of the daily life in colonial times. These pictures were taken by myself (Diana Cotton) during one visit. It's only about 20 minutes away from where I live so it's very convenient! This page is a work in progress. It is also not affiliated with the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation or any other such organization. It's just something I put up to show my pictures. Please enjoy them!

Before entering the visitor center you see these flags that represent the states that made up the original Colonies

Looking back at the visitor center from across the bridge leading to the historic area

After crossing the bridge, you come to a fenced in area where oxen and horses can usually be seen grazing.

The path continues under the bridge where the cars go, alongside this little stream.

**ok that's all you get for now...i've got more pics though and i'm working on uploading them**
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