Epic Duels Page
All of the Characters decks are at least available in Excel format on their respective page and an Excel document with all of them is available below.  For any comments about any of the decks please e-mail me or post a message on the epic duels discussion board in Yahoo.
Character Lists

Complete Character Deck Layout in Excel

Click Here

Each Character also has there own Layout on their site.
Ki-Adi Mundi - Clone Troopers
Lobot - Ugnaughts
Lando - Wing Guards
Kit Fisto - Clone Troopers
Plo Koon - Clone Troopers
Pilots - 3 Pilots no minors
Jabba the Hutt - Gemoreans
Qui-Gon Jin - Jar Jar Binks
Queen Amidala - Queen's Guards
Grand Moff Tarkin - Storm Troopers
Nute Gunray - Droidekas
Poggle the Lesser - Geonosians
Luminara Undili - Barriss
Boss Nass - Gungans
Young Anakin (ep. 1) - R2D2 + C3PO
Aurra Sing - Bossk
TIE Fighters - 3 TIEs no minors
Chief Chirpa - Ewoks
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