Mar.15, 2005

Betty Konc

10L51 Lakeshore Rd.

R.R.#2 Port Colborne,

Ont. L3K 5V4

Dear Lakeshore Property Owner,

In our ongoing efforts to get the Region to look at alternatives to the pipeline proposal along the lakeshore, we the Wainfleet Water/Sewer Committee have taken the next step by consulting a lawyer.

The lawyer we consulted has suggested that we need a budget, for two reasons. The first and most important being that when the Region and the Township know we have a budget we gain more credibility, we go from complaining property owners to homeowners ready to put up a real fight to protect their property. The second reason is, the money will be needed to pay the bills that this fight will inevitably incur. Preliminary discussions with the lawyer indicate that we may need a budget of about $ 70,000.00, the bulk of the money will be expended on engineers and consultants who will do the necessary legwork and research to help the lawyer in a hearing situation. More details with regards the money distribution will be available at the next community meetings mentioned below.

The committee is suggesting that each property owner donate a minimum of $ 100.00 for which receipts will be issued. If you can or are willing to donate more, that would be much appreciated, and if you cannot afford the minimum suggested, any smaller amount in a series of post dated cheques will also be happily accepted. Your names will not be released to any other source or used in any other way. Due to the fact that we are not a registered non-profit organization any donation made unfortunately cannot be used on your taxes.

We will be having another set of community meetings at which we will be able to better inform you of our progress with this. The meetings will be Thursday , April 28th at 7p.m. at Morgan's Point United Church, the second meeting will be Saturday April 30th at 1p.m. at the same location. We hope that you will be able to attend. If you plan on donating to the cause, you can send a cheque payable to Wainfleet Water/Sewer Committee to the address listed below, or bring it with you to one of the meetings mentioned above.

We have lots of information on our web site, http://ca.geocities.com/wainfleetwater/ ; you can also e-mail me, [email protected] , to get updates about our progress with this issue.

Thanking you in advance for your donation and looking forward to seeing you in April.


Betty Konc,

Chair Wainfleet Water/Sewer Committee

Other Committee Members to contact:

Mailing address:

Betty Konc Wayne Redshaw 905-834-0738

10L51 Lakeshore Rd. Helen Hoskin 905-899- 1803

R.R.#2, Port Colborne, On. Joe Zold 905-834-4449

L3K 5V4 Lee Bott 905-899-1311


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