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EMAILS From: Tom Briggs Date: 10/22/2008 ;    

Subject: wainfleet wind farms

hi betty--fyi- see attached-on another wainfleet/council/region topic--windmill project--no public consultation again-total disregard for the taxpayer--left in the dark but committments made without residents input--I think the lakeshore gang r going to get another potential suprise when these things get erected--some of the cottage gang/and homeowners in our area are not even aware of the proposal--and usually the meetings will take place in the off season and also the construction when the seniors are down south/cottagers/American property owners are not even around to be consulted--tom rankin has stated in the media that setbacks are not critical in wainfleet because he is erecting near backroads of wainfleet that are dirt roads--.last time I checked Lakeshore road was paved and bordering on some pretty expensive properties---

This is typical of the region--promise to invest $4 million dollars (money that they dont have-read trib/standard article today oct 22/09-web and newspaper)in this project of taxpayers money without due dilligence and then much later table the construction specs with rankin who then doesnt agree with them--but over and above this not once consult with the local taxpayers on these sites in wainfleet--and the mayor (I use this term loosely) is totally oblivious to protecting taxpayer rights--Politically and financially the municipalities,regions and the province are on a bankruptcy course cause many taxpayers are moving passed the point of affordabiltyand they cannot or will not cough up any more money—

My cottage taxes on the lakeside are around $3500 /yr for a 1000 sq feet on a 50x150 lot-building is 60 yrs old with no modern upgrades-that I can only live in six months of the yr-no water/sewer services- and cant send kids to the local schools as we are not allowed to live here for the whole school season--AND mpac is sending out new notices of increase in most (all ) cases and 1000 metres to the west is haldimand region and the taxes are between $1600 and 1900 for most of the properties that are larger and newer---There is a classic business equation formulated by the town of wainfleet and the region of


EMAILS From: Tom Briggs Date: 10/22/2008 ;    

EMAILS From: Tom Briggs Sunday Oct. 26th/08 ;    

Subject: WAINFLEET wind farm near homes and cottages UPDATE

Sunday Oct. 26th/08-research has led me to hundreds of websites and testimonials around Ontario, Canada and around the world--from local farmers, nurses, gov’t. officials, medical doctors and scientists detailing the many serious issues of having wind energy turbines in close proximity of people, houses, bird and animal habitats, wetlands and drainage areas--one of the very clear websites is you tube wind turbine noise .

Suncor wind farm Ripley ,Ontario (lake Huron shore-these may be the ones Rankin constructed on contract Oct. 2007) see the video and read the commentary--the main page under the topic of videos will also lead you to many videos of the detrimental effects of nearby turbines –

#2 locate in the listing -wind turbines and health CTV news Toronto Oct. /08-the filming was done in the Goderich and Shelburne areas this month by avis Favro of CTV-details many health ailments and sleep disruption patterns and the sale of homes to escape the noise ,vibrations ,etc - It also states a new book is being published in Canada titled WIND TURBINE SYNDROME and they interview Dr. Robert Mcmurtry of the university of western Ontario' s medical center who is completing scientific studies presently that is confirming health risks related to these towers close to people-there are many videos that u can listen to on this site that will make the hair on your neck stand up and take notice when you hear the testimonials and clearly create a picture of action is required immediately--

Janice Emineau of the regional planning dept has emailed me an overview of the regions approval on this project and has advised me that to stop the process at their level I have one option and that is file an OMB appeal by November 12th/08 and attach a payment of $125.00 to the file--I have received advice from a 3rd party (who is retired and who does not have property in WAINFLEET )that has many experiences with the OMB-he has offered me his advice and services as a silent party at no cost to draft an appeal--lawyers at this time are not required and may not be required at all- he has advised me to not focus my attention on the WAINFLEET town council and mayor at this time-On the topic of WAINFLEET I sent an email to mayor Henderson 2 to 3 months ago and she referred me to chuck miller the town planner who assured me at a meeting he would recommend to the town council and the mayor that they call a public information meeting for the local residents to share information-

To date nothing has happened- This past week I emailed the mayor and the cao of the town and on Friday I met with chuck miller and CAO Scott Luey to get some information, see the maps they had on the project and express some issues I had with the project and stated we need to advise the local residents ASAP and convene an information meeting. They both said to detail all my concerns back to them and they did not see it as an urgent issue. Miller went on to say he didn’t see any urgency to the matter and that Rankin has not put the formal request on the towns desk yet--I stated I read this project was tabled by Rankin over 2 years ago, the region has approved it and the people in my lakeshore neighbourhood know little or nothing about the details. I asked when and how do you send out notices of these types of projects to the public because no one has seen anything accept the odd article in the newspaper in St. Catherine’s He said he understands a notice was posted by the town a couple years back but he cant find a copy or where it was posted. Miller said he would look again for this notice and get me a copy and the details. This may be part of the flawed process. I also not only should a public notice be posted in the media but a direct mailing to all owners of property within a 1 mile radius. In addition the owners just over the cut-off in Lowbanks should also be public notified During the meeting we covered many concerns. the one topic I tabled was the property values of going down dramatically and before I could table some stats Scott Luey said ``I know ,I have been reading that in some areas they go down by 40% `` Well that fact alone would be reason to CALL THE MEETING ! I returned home late Friday and found 2 phone messages waiting for me -one from the mayor and one from chuck miller-both stated they realize now I have some very serious concerns and they want me to prepare a detailed list. Mr Miller also corrected some information he gave me at our earlier morning meeting-I had told him that I was advised that the towers proposed by Rankin were much taller than the towers erected in Haldimand region (Lowbanks). He stated emphatically that they were over 1000 feet. He said these ``things are huge``. On Miller’s phone message to me he said "Tom I must of had a brain aneurism when I told you the towers are 1000 feet" He went on to say they are around 600 feet from ground level to the highest point of the blade tip(still one of the largest models made) .

As a point of reference I am amazed that the Region of Niagara can proceed to approve this in our property area without convening one public information meeting and I have seen no formal notice from the Region-My research has shown that there are many stakeholders in the earlier wind farm projects tabled in other jurisdictions of Ontario but the people living in proximity are never mentioned in any of these scenarios until usually well after the project is completed and it is impossible to turn back the clock.

IT IS TIME FOR ACTION AND HE WHO HESITATES IS LOST. I have located a presentation done by the vice pres of Brascan who did a seminar for Hatch energy and engineering. Hatch is the largest engineering firm in the world (8700 employees on 6 continents) and they are the firm that Rankin is using to co ordinate this project and do all the studies for them. They were at a Vancouver conference this week-The theme is `FAST FORWARD WIND` The Hatch website states they are ``paid to find significant potential savings for their clients`` .Unfortunately it is on the backs of the taxpayers. They do the logistics for the accessibility for construction vehicles and machinery-the shortest distance to the road. They also use the term Aggressive Scheduling throughout their website and newsletter articles. They deal with a long list of stakeholders to prepare clearance of all details of a new wind farm- they take care of every possible group you can think of in their list except for one key group-the people who live nearby these projects. The local people are never once mentioned on the website under any category. They cover the birds, bats, snakes, frogs in their studies but don’t mention protecting the people directly. They are the forgotten group and the local govt usually do not have the skill set and time to deal with the request properly. Hatch knows the govt limitations and blows them through before due diligence is completed.

The Ripley Ontario wind farm was built in less than 12 months from the start of testing, clearance studies to erection and finally turning the ON switch. The people of the Ripley area didn’t know what hit them This is why so many individual property owners are forced to take them on to stop it or negotiate corrective adjustments before they get the final sign off. It is now happening around the world -the people are now stopping, shutting down and or placing 10 year moratoriums on them to get more details first. You may know some of the engineers living in Niagara who work for HATCH because I had some as clients before I retired -they worked for A G Acres engineering based in Niagara Falls and ACRES joined Hatch 2 years ago-Hatch is also doing all the engineering for the new Hydro tunnel presently being constructed in Niagara falls since 1989. They have made some very serious mistakes on their pre testing and design model of this project that will cost hundreds of millions of dollars in overruns and a shortened tunnel. You know who will be paying for these mistakes -welcome to Ontario hydro and OPG and the backs of the taxpayers.-In Ontario the taxpayer takes the investment risk but in the united states its the private sector who takes on all the hydro risk -big difference----

Most Ontario public servants (all of them in Niagara) at the regional and municipal level do not comprehend the dynamics and the multi-faceted complexities of these turbines close to homes, etc.-never mind the subsidies and the financial pitfalls-we all understand the need for more renewable energy (although this close to Niagara falls hydro plant I don’t think we need wind towers in Niagara blighting the landscape) and global warming reductions. These projects should require proper scrutiny and due diligence. The fundamental criteria is they do not compromise the health, safety and quality of life of the local residents and property values-I welcome your participation, recommendations and action-meeting plan ideas.-Knowing some of your backgrounds I recognize a talented group who will be able to defend our positions with a variety of expertise and insist that our common voice is heard. Many have contacts that would offer clear and insightful advice. Some have worked in the SYSTEM and understand the defined procedure.

Please share this with as many neighbours as you can and particularly the ones over the border of Lowbanks-they could be a key if the Haldimand region has not been apprised of this project so close to their border and residents. In closing one card that may be played is to contact the Ontario Ombudsman Andre Marin--I believe he would tackle this deal and leave a notice of corrective action for the wind power industry and provincial, regional and municipal government to protect the right of the landowners. He personally has taken on many groups and procedures in Ontario with success--one of the most noted was corrective action at MPAC-there is a common thread between MPAC and the wind power group--and that is we keep the people in the dark as long as we can and force them to individually gather information on a hidden program and hope we don’t challenge them as individuals. Collective action is required to protect all residents in the future with proper and clear ground rules. These 2 groups don’t let you know the rules in advance and when you track down the rules want to alter or reinterpret them for you. All the time the there is a clocking ticking on the expiry date to stop them.

THX. for your time Betty if you would like to share this with our ratepayers group that would be great-thx tom


EMAILS From: Tom Briggs Monday, October 27, 2008 11:37 AM ;    
      Fw: WAINFLEET wind farm near homes and cottages UPDATE Monday, October 27, 2008 11:37 AM -------Original Message------- From: Tom Briggs Date: 10/26/2008 10:45:33 AM To: betty konc;; Subject: WAINFLEET wind farm near homes and cottages UPDATE

Sunday Oct. 26th/08-research has led me to hundreds of websites and testimonials around Ontario, Canada and around the world--from local farmers, nurses, gov’t. officials, medical doctors and scientists detailing the many serious issues of having wind energy turbines in close proximity of people, houses, bird and animal habitats, wetlands and drainage areas--one of the very clear websites is you tube wind turbine noise .Suncor wind farm Ripley ,Ontario (lake Huron shore-these may be the ones Rankin constructed on contract Oct. 2007) see the video and read the commentary--the main page under the topic of videos will also lead you to many videos of the detrimental effects of nearby turbines -- #2 locate in the listing -wind turbines and health CTV news Toronto Oct. /08-the filming was done in the Goderich and Shelburne areas this month by avis Favro of CTV-details many health ailments and sleep disruption patterns and the sale of homes to escape the noise ,vibrations ,etc - It also states a new book is being published in Canada titled WIND TURBINE SYNDROME and they interview Dr. Robert Mcmurtry of the university of western Ontario' s medical center who is completing scientific studies presently that is confirming health risks related to these towers close to people-there are many videos that u can listen to on this site that will make the hair on your neck stand up and take notice when you hear the testimonials and clearly create a picture of action is required immediately—

Janice Emineau of the regional planning dept has emailed me an overview of the regions approval on this project and has advised me that to stop the process at their level I have one option and that is file an OMB appeal by November 12th/08 and attach a payment of $125.00 to the file--I have received advice from a 3rd party (who is retired and who does not have property in WAINFLEET )that has many experiences with the OMB-he has offered me his advice and services as a silent party at no cost to draft an appeal--lawyers at this time are not required and may not be required at all- he has advised me to not focus my attention on the WAINFLEET town council and mayor at this time-On the topic of WAINFLEET I sent an email to mayor Henderson 2 to 3 months ago and she referred me to chuck miller the town planner who assured me at a meeting he would recommend to the town council and the mayor that they call a public information meeting for the local residents to share information-

To date nothing has happened- This past week I emailed the mayor and the cao of the town and on Friday I met with chuck miller and CAO Scott Luey to get some information, see the maps they had on the project and express some issues I had with the project and stated we need to advise the local residents ASAP and convene an information meeting. They both said to detail all my concerns back to them and they did not see it as an urgent issue. Miller went on to say he didn’t see any urgency to the matter and that Rankin has not put the formal request on the towns desk yet--I stated I read this project was tabled by Rankin over 2 years ago, the region has approved it and the people in my lakeshore neighbourhood know little or nothing about the details.

I asked when and how do you send out notices of these types of projects to the public because no one has seen anything accept the odd article in the newspaper in St. Catherine’s He said he understands a notice was posted by the town a couple years back but he cant find a copy or where it was posted. Miller said he would look again for this notice and get me a copy and the details. This may be part of the flawed process.

I also not only should a public notice be posted in the media but a direct mailing to all owners of property within a 1 mile radius. In addition the owners just over the cut-off in Lowbanks should also be public notified During the meeting we covered many concerns. the one topic I tabled was the property values of going down dramatically and before I could table some stats Scott Luey said ``I know ,I have been reading that in some areas they go down by 40% `` Well that fact alone would be reason to CALL THE MEETING ! I returned home late Friday and found 2 phone messages waiting for me -one from the mayor and one from chuck miller-both stated they realize now I have some very serious concerns and they want me to prepare a detailed list. Mr Miller also corrected some information he gave me at our earlier morning meeting-I had told him that I was advised that the towers proposed by Rankin were much taller than the towers erected in Haldimand region (Lowbanks).

He stated emphatically that they were over 1000 feet. He said these ``things are huge``. On Miller’s phone message to me he said "Tom I must of had a brain aneurism when I told you the towers are 1000 feet" He went on to say they are around 600 feet from ground level to the highest point of the blade tip(still one of the largest models made) . As a point of reference I am amazed that the Region of Niagara can proceed to approve this in our property area without convening one public information meeting and I have seen no formal notice from the Region-My research has shown that there are many stakeholders in the earlier wind farm projects tabled in other jurisdictions of Ontario but the people living in proximity are never mentioned in any of these scenarios until usually well after the project is completed and it is impossible to turn back the clock. IT IS TIME FOR ACTION AND HE WHO HESITATES IS LOST. I have located a presentation done by the vice pres of Brascan who did a seminar for Hatch energy and engineering. Hatch is the largest engineering firm in the world (8700 employees on 6 continents) and they are the firm that Rankin is using to co ordinate this project and do all the studies for them. They were at a Vancouver conference this week-The theme is `FAST FORWARD WIND` The Hatch website states they are ``paid to find significant potential savings for their clients`` .Unfortunately it is on the backs of the taxpayers.

They do the logistics for the accessibility for construction vehicles and machinery-the shortest distance to the road. They also use the term Aggressive Scheduling throughout their website and newsletter articles. They deal with a long list of stakeholders to prepare clearance of all details of a new wind farm- they take care of every possible group you can think of in their list except for one key group-the people who live nearby these projects. The local people are never once mentioned on the website under any category. They cover the birds, bats, snakes, frogs in their studies but don’t mention protecting the people directly. They are the forgotten group and the local govt usually do not have the skill set and time to deal with the request properly. Hatch knows the govt limitations and blows them through before due diligence is completed. The Ripley Ontario wind farm was built in less than 12 months from the start of testing, clearance studies to erection and finally turning the ON switch. The people of the Ripley area didn’t know what hit them This is why so many individual property owners are forced to take them on to stop it or negotiate corrective adjustments before they get the final sign off. It is now happening around the world -the people are now stopping, shutting down and or placing 10 year moratoriums on them to get more details first. You may know some of the engineers living in Niagara who work for HATCH because I had some as clients before I retired -they worked for A G Acres engineering based in Niagara Falls and ACRES joined Hatch 2 years ago-Hatch is also doing all the engineering for the new Hydro tunnel presently being constructed in Niagara falls since 1989. They have made some very serious mistakes on their pre testing and design model of this project that will cost hundreds of millions of dollars in overruns and a shortened tunnel.

You know who will be paying for these mistakes -welcome to Ontario hydro and OPG and the backs of the taxpayers.-In Ontario the taxpayer takes the investment risk but in the united states its the private sector who takes on all the hydro risk -big difference----

Most Ontario public servants (all of them in Niagara) at the regional and municipal level do not comprehend the dynamics and the multi-faceted complexities of these turbines close to homes, etc.-never mind the subsidies and the financial pitfalls-we all understand the need for more renewable energy (although this close to Niagara falls hydro plant I don’t think we need wind towers in Niagara blighting the landscape) and global warming reductions.

These projects should require proper scrutiny and due diligence. The fundamental criteria is they do not compromise the health, safety and quality of life of the local residents and property values-I welcome your participation, recommendations and action-meeting plan ideas.-Knowing some of your backgrounds I recognize a talented group who will be able to defend our positions with a variety of expertise and insist that our common voice is heard. Many have contacts that would offer clear and insightful advice. Some have worked in the SYSTEM and understand the defined procedure. Please share this with as many neighbours as you can and particularly the ones over the border of Lowbanks-they could be a key if the Haldimand region has not been apprised of this project so close to their border and residents.

In closing one card that may be played is to contact the Ontario Ombudsman Andre Marin--I believe he would tackle this deal and leave a notice of corrective action for the wind power industry and provincial, regional and municipal government to protect the right of the landowners. He personally has taken on many groups and procedures in Ontario with success--one of the most noted was corrective action at MPAC-there is a common thread between MPAC and the wind power group--and that is we keep the people in the dark as long as we can and force them to individually gather information on a hidden program and hope we don’t challenge them as individuals. Collective action is required to protect all residents in the future with proper and clear ground rules. These 2 groups don’t let you know the rules in advance and when you track down the rules want to alter or reinterpret them for you. All the time the there is a clocking ticking on the expiry date to stop them. THX. for your time Betty if you would like to share this with our ratepayers group that would be great-thx tom


EMAILS From: Tom Briggs Date: 10/22/2008 ;    
      FW: WAINFLEET wind farms
-----Original Message------- From: Tom Briggs
Date: 10/22/2008 02:17:03 PM
To: betty Konc
Subject: FW: WAINFLEET wind farms

hi betty--FYI- see attached-on another WAINFLEET/council/region topic--windmill project--no public consultation again-total disregard for the taxpayer--left in the dark but commitments made without residents input--I think the lakeshore gang r going to get another potential surprise when these things get erected--some of the cottage gang/and homeowners in our area are not even aware of the proposal--and usually the meetings will take place in the off season and also the construction when the seniors are down south/cottagers/American property owners are not even around to be consulted--tom Rankin has stated in the media that setbacks are not critical in WAINFLEET because he is erecting near back roads of WAINFLEET that are dirt roads--.last time I checked Lakeshore road was paved and bordering on some pretty expensive properties---

This is typical of the region--promise to invest $4 million dollars (money that they don’t have-read trib/standard article today oct. 22/09-web and newspaper)in this project of taxpayers money without due diligence and then much later table the construction specs with Rankin who then doesn’t agree with them--but over and above this not once consult with the local taxpayers on these sites in WAINFLEET--and the mayor (I use this term loosely) is totally oblivious to protecting taxpayer rights—

Politically and financially the municipalities, regions and the province are on a bankruptcy course cause many taxpayers are moving passed the point of affordability and they cannot or will not cough up any more money--My cottage taxes on the lakeside are around $3500 /yr for a 1000 sq feet on a 50x150 lot-building is 60 yrs old with no modern upgrades-that I can only live in six months of the yr-no water/sewer services- and cant send kids to the local schools as we are not allowed to live here for the whole school season--AND MPAC is sending out new notices of increase in most (all ) cases and 1000 metres to the west is Haldimand region and the taxes are between $1600 and 1900 for most of the properties that are larger and newer---

There is a classic business equation formulated by the town of WAINFLEET and the region of Niagara. FYI


EMAILS From: Tom Briggs Sent: October 17, 2008 ;    
   From: Tom Briggs [] Sent: October 17, 2008 7:22 PM To: Barbara Henderson Subject: WAINFLEET wind farms

I have properties on the lakeshore in close proximity of one of the proposed sites-I see the region and has invested and approved this project(St. Catherine’s standard cot. 16)--tom Rankin states he will accept the regions new restriction of setback from the roads and to bury the cables-In the article he stated he doesn’t agree with the set back requirements and will review directly with WAINFLEET council to have this requirement reduced---when will there be a public review of this proposal to allow the locals to see the details of this project with specs of construction heights(towers and blade heights) and specific map locations-I understand these are higher than the windmills built down the road in Haldimand---,setback requirements--the local residents have many concerns-not too different than the ones around north America that have been detailed in the media by residents, media, investors and the scientists that have done studies--items such as noise, health issues of local residents, interruption of sleep patterns, devalued property values, surrounding properties that wont sell after the windmills are erected, aesthetically not appealing(ugly)-- drive by Haldimand's or Shelburnes,etc---

I had the opportunity to meet with the town planner a couple of months ago and he advised me that he would recommend a meeting be arranged with the residents of WAINFLEET that this will impact--As a property owner I feel we have been left in the dark on this project and the region has negotiated a project that will negatively impact the nearby residential property owners without any consultation with the immediate Stakeholders--thank you for courtesy of these details and answer to my enquiries-yours truly Tom Briggs

--PS , I wonder how tom Rankin would feel if I showed up with a few of my investment banker friends to build a large Wind farm across the road from his WAINFLEET property or peter partingtons home without any consultation



EMAILS From: WILF PEARSON--- PORT COLBORNE Sent: October 17, 2008 ;    
      • regional government Time to get out of regional government






EMAILS From: Tom Briggs Date: 11/11/2008 11:02:36 AM ;    
      FW: [windconcerns] Re: calvin's comments -------Original Message------- From: Tom Briggs Date: 11/11/2008 11:02:36 AM To: betty konc Subject: FW: [windconcerns] Re: calvin's comments

see att comments-people taking up th stand around the province re wind farms-get active /showup/get informed /be heard before these deals get ramped thru the town and right over the councillors of wainfleet-- tom pls forward

EMAILS From: Tom Briggs Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2008 07:06:43 -0500 ;    

   From: To: Subject: [windconcerns] Re: calvin's comments Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2008 07:06:43 -0500

Tony, Colette, It is good to hear from Calvin on what specific tactics got results in NY State. It is more risky than being polite for sure, but it seems to drive away propaganda very effectively. Reminds me of stories I have heard from mothers who have had to fight the medical system to get the diagnosis and treatment they wanted for their children from staff who just didn't seem to "get it" Deaf ears all around. Being extremely stubborn, well-researched, uncompromising, noisy, and outraged would get the desired results there too. I wonder how much of our strategy to date would fall into this category. Catharine

----- Original Message ----- From: Tony Clark To: Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 4:10 PM Subject: [windconcerns] Re: National Post Articles Today I never seem to agree with Calvin -but this time whether we like it or not he is "spot on". Tony

----- Original Message ----- From: Colette McLean To: Undisclosed-Recipient:; Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 3:14 PM Subject: Fw: [windconcerns] National Post Articles Today

I thought I would share with you a response I got from Nina Pierpont's husband. He makes a case for stopping the niceties. I have to stop myself (even though it may not appear as such sometimes) from going for the jugular.

This has always been a concern for me, since it's such a fine balance to show the right amount of indignation, yet I do not want to alienate the people with which we could gain support and action. (eg. Dr. Suzuki) But I must admit in working in gov't regulation in the past, it was always the squeeky wheel that got the grease.


----- Original Message ----- From: Calvin Luther Martin To: 'Colette McLean' Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 2:32 PM Subject: RE: [windconcerns] National Post Articles Today

… well done, Colette!

Keep up the good work—the good fight. I see how you’ve suffered, personally. Big Wind is made up of bullies, mountebanks, cons, and grifters. Guys who need to get a job—a real job. I have nothing but disdain for these people.

What works is tenacity. You’ve got plenty of that. What also works is solid information. You’ve got plenty of that, too. And what finally works is not being nice. Being nice to these people allows them to steamroller you with their phony public meetings and phony references to “a zillion homes powered by our wind array” and phony references to all the jobs being created in your community, and so forth. The problem is, your town board, made up chiefly of bozos I’ll wager, imagine these wind-baggers are legitimate businessmen and engineers. They are neither (see above: mountebanks, grifters, and bullies). You and your neighbors need to go to meetings and make yourselves absolutely obnoxious. Picket, stand up at meetings and refuse to be silenced Holler at both your town board and the windies.

In sum: be radical and unpleasant, and angry. It works. It’s worked here. We’ve booted the wind-baggers out of several townships here, following this formula. The towns where the resistance was polite—well, they’re getting turbines.


From: Colette McLean [] Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 7:29 AM To: Undisclosed-Recipient:; Subject: Fw: [windconcerns] National Post Articles Today

In case anyone hasn't seen these article yet. Great stuff. Please take a moment and email the author and give him a pat on the back. My response is below.


Are turbines making some people sick?

Wind chill: Losing the PR battle over wind power

Dear Mr. Cowan

I wanted to thank you for having the courage to print your recent article "Wind Chill" in the National Post. As a rural person trying to deal with a wind developer "AIM Powergen" it has been difficult to get the answers needed for my council and as a landowner to make decisions that will protect our 4 most important non renewables, our families, our homes, our community and our land.

Needless to say my lone voice has been drowned out by misleading information with regards to the creation of jobs, the over estimated amounts of tax revenues my municipality will receive and the quagmire of pitfalls that exist in the land lease options and contractual agreements that these developers present in front of growers.

On top of that, because of my willingness to get this kind of information out to neighbours, family and friends, I have been ridiculed by the developer as a NIMBY and non progressive thinker and by my local council members as a hard lined, self serving person who cannot accept a difference of opinion.

This has caused a rift in my personal life where neighbours and family will no longer speak to me and in turn have pulled away from business arrangements my husband had with local custom work. Money brings the worst out in people.

Again I wanted to thank you, however wanted to mentioned my disappointment with the pictures. These very strong visuals are in no way dealing with the same issue. The view of the Nuclear plant is no where near what people will be seeing from their residents, if such a plant is built within a region, while the picture of the turbines represents a fairly peaceful and bucolic image that one would easily choose over the other. And as for the many reason to "like" wind power, there are many reasons to loath what it represents, i.e. only a min. of 5% Ontario's needs in the future, a reduction of only 1% of GHG emissions, a need to further expand Natural gas generating plants for the required backup and all this at the expense of the Ontario taxpayers who are funding at the present time 2x the rate for wind.

So you see Mr Cowan, this is not just rural people who will be suffering from wind development, it's all of Ontario through the misguided gov't policies that won' t investigate the value of pursuing wind and in turn which allows wind to dominate over other valuable solutions such biomass and geothermal. Who knows what other viable, sustainable options are out there on the horizon but will potentially never know because of winds dominance over our energy policies through a well organized lobby group such as CanWEA and it's members such as Mike Crawley, president of AIM Powergen.

Again thank you


First they ignore us, then they ridicule us, then they fight us, then we win.
For more options, visit this group at


Mayor Barbara Henderson
PHONE:(905) 386-0977

Alderman Evan Main
PHONE: (905) 899-2633 or (905) 899-1250

Alderman Rudy Warkentin
PHONE: (905) 899-1358

Alderman Ted Hessels
PHONE: 905-386-6580

Alderman Ron Kramer
PHONE: (905) 834-4341

PHONE: (905) 788-2204
FAX : (905) 788-0071

PHONE: 905 734 1579 WELLAND

PROJECT MANAGER , Regional Niagara

They are listening and know we aren't going away!
Here's hoping for some changes to the problems .






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