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Animal Control

"We Speak for those that
cannot speak for themselves"

You are aware that over the years the Wainuiomata SPCA volunteers have worked very hard to provide protection and care for the many animals in the Wainuiomata area.

Our dedicated volunteers have done a sterling job for the animals. They have carried out a multitude of activities; from the day-to-day care of the animals to fundraising, ambulance work, complaint investigation and providing advice on a wide variety of animal welfare related issues.

Lately however, it has become increasingly difficult to continue to carry out all these functions. The constant pressure of the workload, fewer active volunteers, combined with a lack of facilities means that a number of changes need to be made.

At our AGM we voted on and agreed to request that, the National Body (RNZSPCA) takes over administration of Wainuiomata SPCA. Our new administrator is now Peter Blomkamp CEO of the RNZSPCA. National Office will handle all our accounts and keep all the hard earned money raised over here in trust for us.

Peter has approached Wellington SPCA who has agreed to assist National Office with the day-to-day servicing and management work of the Wainuiomata SPCA.

The Wellington SPCA will take over the rehoming, assistance with education, emergency services and complaints. With their eventual move to the Hutt Valley, and the great working relationship that has been formed over the past few years, it makes sense for us to have an even closer relationship.

There is a small group who will also continue to be involved in the day-to-day activities and some administration. Our phones will continue to be answered and most call outs made by those still involved over here. What this effectively means is that Wellington SPCA will work with us to ensure continuation of our services for the animals and public in our region. With these changes we have the opportunity to ultimately improve our services to the Wainuiomata Community.

We have all embraced these changes and hope you will to. Membership subscriptions will not change but you will now receive a bigger and better newsletter as well as regular updates from Wainuiomata and Wellington.

If you have any questions about any of this please do not hesitate to call either our SPCA line 564 8996 or Gaye on 564 2431.


As a member of the Wainuiomata SPCA you will

  • be directly supporting the work of the Society in our efforts to reduce animal suffering

  • receive regular newsletters with news and information both National and Local

  • be able to become actively involved, if you wish, in the Societies activities

  • be part of a world wide network recognising animal suffering and helping to provide practical assistance and care

    Join today by completing and sending us this coupon. Click here for membership form You will receive your membership card and receipt by return mail.

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