Froehlich,P (2365) IM
Smith,R (2251)

George Trundle IM Masters tournament, 2006

Notes by FM Bob Smith.

My final round game against IM Froehlich was an important one. After a difficult start to the tournament I had recovered to trail Bruce Watson by just half a point in the race for the top New Zealander. Bruce was facing a determined Tim Reilly, who needed a win for an IM norm. And I was facing a (normally) fairly tough IM with black, needing at least a draw.

1. Nf3 d5 2. d4 Nf6 3. c4 c6 The Slav Defence, which is very popular right now. 4. Nc3 dxc4 Here Peter thought for some time. I hoped that my morning brush up on the main lines would cope with whatever he threw at me! 5. g3 Sacrificing a pawn for the centre. 5... b5 Hard-nosed materialism! Black simply says "show me the money". 6. Bg2 Bb7 7. O-O If 7. Ne5 Qc8! 7... e6 8. a4 a6 8..b4 would gain time but ultimately lose a Q-side pawn. I decided to hang on to my ill-gotten gains. 9. Qc2 9.Ne5 Qc8 10.axb5 cxb5 11.Nxb5? Bxg2 12.Kxg2 Qb7+ -+ 9... Be7 10. e4 O-O 11. e5 Nd5 12. Ne4 Nd7 13. Bg5 13.Neg5 g6 is the other option. But black's position remains sound and he will play the freeing move ...c5. 13... h6 14. Bxe7 Qxe7 15. Nd6 A huge knight, but it can't achieve much by itself. 15... N7b6 16. a5 This stablises the Q-side and creates a target on a5. Maybe 16.Nfd2 was better (16...Nxa4 17.N2xc4) 16... Nc8 17. Ne4 Qc7 A nice re-arrangement of pieces. Keeping an eye on the a-pawn and bringing the Nc8 to the centre to help fend off K-side action. 18. Nc5 Nce7 19. Nh4 19.Nd2!? 19... Rad8 Eyeing the weak d-pawn and co-ordinating the rooks. 20. Qe4 Bc8 21. Bh3 Nb4 A good maneouvre to get rid of white's good Nc5. 22. f4 Nd3 23. Nxd3 cxd3 24. b4 Trying to nail down the weakness on c6 but... 24.Qxd3 Qa7 24... c5 25. bxc5 25.dxc5 Nc6 26.Bg2 Bb7 27.Qe1 d2 28.Qb1 Rd4 29.Bxc6 Qxc6 30.Nf3 Rfd8 31.Qd1 Rd3 25... Nc6 26. Nf3 Nxd4 27. Nxd4 Qxc5 28. Qxd3 Rxd4 29. Qe3 Bb7 What a transformation for this bishop! 30. Ra2 30.Rad1 Rfd8 planning ...Qd5 with an easy win. ; 30.Bg2 Rd2!! 31.Qxc5 Rxg2+ 32.Kh1 Rc2+ 30... Qd5 31. Rg2 31.Bg2 Qxa2 32.Bxb7 Rfd8 33.Bxa6 Qxa5 31... Rd1 32. Re1 Rd8 33. f5 An attempt to confuse. 33... exf5 34. e6 fxe6 35. Kf2 White is out of moves. 35... Rxe1 36. Qxe1 36.Kxe1 Qd1+ 37.Kf2 Rd2+ 36... Qf3 37. Kg1 Rd1 38. Bxf5 Rxe1# 0-1

A nice way to end the tournament, gain a few rating points and even take the George Trundle trophy (Bruce lost a long game to Reilly).
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