My Stories

Seasons of love...

written by

Buffy & Angel
slaying soon

"You're not friends. You'll never be friends. You'll be in love 'til it kills you both.
You'll fight, and you'll shag, and you'll hate each other 'til it makes you quiver, but you'll never be friends.
Love isn't brains, children; it's blood... blood screaming inside you to work its will..."
-- Spike, Episode: "Lover's Walk," Season 3, "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"

Other Favorite Moments and inspirations for upcoming story.

Days of Our Lives
"Phoenix Songbird"
"Chasing the Sun"


Copyrights � by Wai-Ying Chow
All rights reserved.
Please, do not use or display the whole or parts of my work without my permission.
I have dedicated endless hours in brainstorm, then draft, then revision, and final, endeavoring not only to entertain, but also to inspire dialogue and understanding.
Thank you for your honor and integrity.
For more information about U.S. intellectual property laws, please contact the
U.S. Copyright Office at the Library ofCongress.
[email protected]
Last updated 2002 January 11
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