

“THE DEN” – Match Report





Game 10

St Augustines

Cromer 2

28th May 2005


Team Line-up



First Grade – Saintly Result

Score:     3-0  Goal Scorer(s): Nick Sheather ’50, Ashley Mathieson ’85, Nick Rainey ’90

Match Report: For those of you that are religiously inclined, the saints were on the side of the Tigers in this one while turning their back on one of their own… St Augustine (The Patron Saint of Soccer) provided some heavenly support for the Tigers instead of his team’s namesake, who probably deserved more out of a game in which they played the better soccer after being reduced to 10 men. Fortunately we held strong in defence and absorbed the pressure to scored two late goals to seal the game for a comfortable 3-0 victory which didn’t indicate the closeness of the teams.

The first half was a tight affair with neither team dominating the game or possession. A new line-up in midfield was giving their all but probably lacked the cohesion normally found in a combination that has played together before. With Tim smithies and Adam Townsend both unavailable John O’Leary slotted into centre mid with Eddy Fong, at left half, trying out his new found skills learnt while attending the “Junior Coaching Course” that weekend.

Playing the bottom team, we were always expected to win comfortably but Saints had other ideas and pressured us into mistakes. Due to the fact that the boys new they should be winning, but weren’t, resulted in a lack of patience and we pushed of too many passes while not taking the easy options available. Instead of controlled build up play and retention of the ball we were gifting away too much possession in midfield and up front making it easier for Saints to defend.

Some good interplay in the first half saw Nick Sheather break down the left hand side and cut a ball back to Nick Dillenbeck who neatly tapped in at the near post but was unfortunately disallowed after the linesman adjudged the ball to go out of play prior to being crossed.

We scored early in the second half after some quick thinking by Dave Sutherland, who took an early throw, left Nick Sheather with an easy tap in after being flicked on at the near post. Shortly after a Saints player was sent off for a second yellow card offence which seemed to spur his team mates into action. We were lucky not to concede a goal but some crucial saves by Benny in goals made all the difference.

In the end, the Saints defence started to tire and after being caught out by the offside trap a few times, we finely go it right resulting in two one on one’s with the keeper which were clinically finished by Ash and Nick Rainey respectively.

With the extra man we should have taken control but couldn’t retain possession to take advantage. Some negative talk also crept into our game in the second half, which didn’t help matters and was disruptive to the team. Let’s make sure we keep the talk positive regardless of the scoreboard or how well we’re playing. I’m sure this will make it more enjoyable for all and will have a positive impact on how we play.

Man of the Match: Ben Molyneux





Reserve Grade – Reidy on Target

Score:     2-0  Goal Scorer(s): Andrew Reid ’50, Adrian Ogg (PK) ’70

Match Report: The Reserve Grade squad put into action a powerful 2-0 display to maintain their top of the table position versus St Augustines. In a game which is always hard playing against a team that lay at the bottom of the table the defence held strong yet again led well by Lenny Sorbara. The midfield worked hard but sometimes found themselves out of position or in front of the play creating problems in manning up in defence.

Good work from Andrew Reid up front helped the team create some good first half chances. Tim Eaton’s long range shot was well saved by the Saints keeper and Adam Burling was unlucky not to have put the team one up at the half after finding himself in behind the defence.

0-0 at the half saw a few changes to the team line up made by Ash and John who were filling in for the regular coach who was learning his trade on the park next door. Chris “Lone Striker” Charlton was subbed due to a dose of the flu with Darren “Playmaker” Leach arriving just in time to find himself put straight into right half. The defensive line was reshuffled with Oggy moving to his more accustomed position of centre back centre and Kane moving out wide.

A few tactical team talks at half time paid early dividends as Reidy did superbly well to take the ball past a few defenders before knocking it into the bottom right corner with a well timed left foot shot. A nice way to open his account for the season. The midfield seemed to straighten themselves out and worked better together and the defence held the opposition forwards out with Stahly strong once again in goals.

The game was sealed with a second goal midway through the second half after a Saints defender was adjudged to handle the ball in the penalty box. Adrian Ogg stepped up to take the penalty and placed a well struck shot in the right hand corner giving the keeper no chance.

Man of the Match: Andrew Reid


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