researching theology
celebrating diversity
  affirming the diversity of creation

working for justice and inclusivity for all people in all aspects of human community living in right relationship

celebrating life in all its fullness

The material presented on this site is given freely to assit the Uniting Church in Australia in its period of "wrestling with issues" relating to faith, sexuality and ministry.

The material is published here by the author and represents the fruits of years of biblical and theological study.

All material is copyrighted.and is intended for private study.

The author is a member of the Uniting Church at Pilgrim Church, Adelaide and is a member of Uniting Network and Friends of Unity.

An Open Letter to the Uniting Church in Australia
Towards an Ethic of Christian Praxis
The Adelaide Affirmation
A call for Christian justice by Friends of Unity An external link

Love Reimaged

A Process of Embrace

Christian X-files

Notes on the Affirming Love of God.

researching theology

A Voice Crying in the Wilderness!
Exegeting Mark 15 - 16.
Ultimately the great power of Mark's Gospel lies not in what it tells the disciples or readers, but what it asks of them. In grasping the question, this indeed demands an very extraordinary kind of comprehension. Mark asks us to believe in and to follow the One who will help us in our despairing unbelief, even as one crying in the wilderness, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"
For All of You Are One in Christ
A six-part series of refelctions on issues of  faith, sexuality and inclusivity.
 Radical Inclusivity
Part 1 of a series, One in Christ, that explores an inclusive gospel through the implications of Galatians 3:28.

We Exist in God 
        Part 2 of a series, One in Christ, that considers       
        Creation and the rhetoric of sexuality.
 Breaking Down Barriers 
Part 3 of a series, One in Christ, that explores the essence of a liberation theology, as a determinant in being "free in Christ".

 A Choice of Images 
Part 4 of a series, One in Christ, that calls for an evolving hermeneutics of change, that rescues Christ from cultural singularity and the politics of holiness.

 One in Christ 
Part 5 of a series, One in Christ, that claims Paul's Christological basis for unity and inclusivity, as an authoritative theology of confrontation with those who seek to re-erect barriers of distinction.

 Do Justice 
Part 6 of a series, One in Christ, that lays claim to the faith of Rom.8:1-2,14, that "all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God".
Outside the City Gate: A Bible Study (pdf file)
An eight-part series of studies on biblical approaches to inclusivity.  Published here in a simple pdf format, this study contains biblical commentaries, prayers, study guides and a leader guide.  
Presenting biblical exegesis, commentaries and studies under an inclusive hermeneutic.

celebrating diversity

Two Daughters of Israel: A Power Reversal
Exegeting Jesus Praxis. 
Jesus A Defacto Eunuch
Biblical Exegesis 
Ethiopian Queen of the Desert
Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch 
A Pushy Woman and Other Outcasts
An Exegesis of Matthew 15:21-28.
Subversives in Jesus' Past!
Interpreting the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew.
The Parable of the Good Samaritan
Luke 10:25-37: re-imagining love.
The Narrative Use of Ta Himatia in Mark's Gospel
Literary and narrative criticism.
Uncovering aspects of Jesus-praxis in Mark.
A Faith Greater Than Israel.
Literary criticism and exegesis of Matthew 8:5-13.
Uncovering same-sex relationships in  the Gospel.

links with an inclusive outlook

Uniting Network
The national network for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered people and their families and friends in the Uniting Church in Australia.
Friends of Unity
A support group for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered people and their families and friends in the Uniting Church in South Australia.

Prepared by Tehomot Publications, South Australia.

©  All material is copyright and may be reproduced for study purposes.
When citing reference to these articles, please acknowledge author, title, date and web location.

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