researching theology . celebrating diversity

An Act of Reclamation

cruciform imagery

In interpreting the way of Jesus, Paul saw that all barriers of distiction count for nothing.   Through faith we are one in Christ. 

When conservative Christians create distinctions based on sexuality they distort the Gospel and deny justification through faith.  Such views are as much in error as those that perpetuate similar distinctions based on race, social class or gender.  

Christ is the corner stone in an inclusive church.  It is in Christ's image, the image of love, that God re-imaged God's self and love without barriers.

I am the vine, you are the branches.  Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart form me you can do nothing. 
Jesus of Nazareth (John 15:5)

It is not sexuality which haunts society, but society which haunts the body's sexuality.  The social body preceded the sexual body. 
David Halperin.

As part of the new society of Jesus, the Body of Christ, Christians are held united by God's self through faith.  We form a new community that re-images human identity as Children of God so that our differences are transcended by our being in Christ.

There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer maleor female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus. 
Paul The Apostle (Gal. 3:28).

As our identity in Christ precedes our sexual body, to divide Christians on the basis of their sexuality goes against the spirit and the letter of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Such is the grace of God in Christ that it does not deny our sexual body, for we are anincarnational community.  It is in our selves that we bear the image of God.  Our spirituality and our sexuality are integral to our life and being.

New forms of love are are part of the "art of life" that Michel Foucault encourages queer folks to re-image for themselves. as a process of self discovery, new creation and liberation.

We have to understand that with our desires, through our desires, go new forms of relationship, new forms of love, new forms of creation.  Sex is not fatality; it's a possibility for creative life.
Michel Foucault.

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