These Pages are about the Fire Service in Wallaville, who we are and what we do.

The Fire Station was opened in March 1964 under the old Board system, by the then MLA, Mr. Claude Wharton. Things changed in 1990, when the Government dissolved the Board system and replaced it with a single Queensland Fire Service, headed by a Commissioner. In 1996, the QFS was renamed the Queensland Fire and Rescue Authority, headed by a Chief Commissioner. The QFRA was a statutory authority, and is part of the Department of Emergency Services. In November 2001, the QFRA was renamed the Queensland Fire and Rescue Service and became a Department under the DES, headed by a Commissioner. The Wallaville Station is in Area 1, North Coast Region and is approximately 370 klms north of Brisbane.
The QFRS Wallaville is manned by Auxilliaries, part time firefighters on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We are trained and qualified in the use of Breathing Apparatus, Road Accident Rescue, Hazardous Materials handling and Senior First Aid including Resuscitation. Our maximum staffing level is ten, but at this point in time, we have a Station Captain, one Acting Lieutenant and three Firefighters, and a Volunteer Support Officer. As we are part time, most of us have full time jobs. We are notified of incidents through the pager system.
In recent years, our role in the community has changed
from suppression only, to suppression, road accident
rescue, hazardous materials management, fire prevention
and public fire safety and awareness..
During the year, crew members visit local schools and
community groups to spread the word about fire
prevention and safety. The "Fire Ed" program is
presented each year to local Grade One children. Fire
safety articles are placed in the local print media
from time to time.

At Christmas time, crew members usually assist the
local community Kindergarten, DayCare and PreSchool
groups by driving Santa (one of the crew) to hand out
presents to the children. Throughout the year, the Fire Station
receives visits from these groups as well.

The local CWA doesn't miss out on visits either. We try to
visit them once a year to bring Fire Safety to the older
members of our community.

Artwork by Julie-Anne Schulz

We Remember One of Our Own
Our Condolences to the Family
of SO Paul Austin (Bundaberg Station)
tragically killed in an accident on the way to work
30th October 2004
A great Friend and Trainer, he will be sadly missed by the Wallaville Crew.

Victorian Bushfires 7th Feb 2009

Our Condolences to the Families who lost loved ones during the tragic fires in Victoria and our admiration of those who fought the fires in overwhelming conditions. Over 4000 CFA volunteers and Interstate firies helped fight the fires 209 lives lost, over 2000 homes destroyed, thousands of hectares of land laid waste. One of the biggest disasters to occur in Australia.

Page 2 Our Appliances (trucks) Page 3 Our Crew Page 4 Our Photo Gallery Page 5 Our Fire Safety Programs

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