Here are entries since implementation of this Rock Art Acoustics guestbook on 10/1/97:

- 12/10/00 22:52:35

Bob Waller - 12/05/00 12:22:41
My Email:[email protected]
Just spent two weeks in Kakadu National Park,N.T Australia.Magnificent rock art sites.Hope you were able to see them when you were in Australia. Bob Waller, Jeeralang Junction, Victoria Australia.

- 11/23/00 14:20:04

Mike Bilbo - 10/25/00 04:09:35
My Email:[email protected]
One of the most intriguing echo locations at Hueco Tanks State Park, Texas is Kirkland's Site 9. The voice echoes throughout the 800-acre park up to nine times.

Kendall Wrightson - 10/10/00 08:34:22
My Email:[email protected]

peter lennox - 10/09/00 21:33:57
My Email:[email protected]
I'm interested; I'll pass this page on to others interested in questions of "how do I know the world about me?" cheers

kate kurtenbach - 09/08/00 02:18:47
My Email:[email protected]
wow what a cool idea! thanks for the interesting thoughts

robert.homoki - 08/02/00 11:17:22
My Email:[email protected]
I have just read an article in the berliner zeitung about the carnyx and the pyramid echo. i grew up in Bremen and my father was a classic clarinettist in the philharmonic orchestra in bremen. we have a brilliant musichall called "die Glocke" (=the bell) t's supposed to be amongst the 10 best acoustics in europe. i used to listen to him playing there. eg. mozart concerto A major. we all know it from the movie "out of africa". i myself played the tuba in the orchestra and i still have a band. i also worked in a trombone manufacture. i just wanted to tell you much i appreciate your work, especially in these motorized times. something i am particularly interested in is the sounds in the womb. i wonder what they are like. as you may know, techno-music is quite fashionable here. i wonder if there is a kind of conditioning phase for the baby's hearing and feelings for harmony in rythm and melody.that might have been spoiled by engine-sound and therefor created a preference for techno-music. anyhow, goodluck for y ur work and if you have some sort of a newsletter i would be glad to join. greetings from berlin. robert homoki

mona haakenson - 06/18/00 14:29:09
My Email:[email protected]

jrathbun - 05/12/00 10:30:54
My Email:[email protected]
very interesting

macie - 04/25/00 01:49:35
My Email:[email protected]
No time to absorb yur site but am saving it on my favorite list and will asap check out the accustics and reply to you. MACIE

Claire R. Farrer - 04/22/00 22:09:15
My Email:[email protected]
What do you know to be the significance of acoustic properties at rock art sites? If too general, please refer me to your relevant publications. Thanks.

Price - 03/26/00 06:06:32
My Email:[email protected]
...fascinating, and it made sense the minute I started reading your comments.

Anyah Dishon - 03/07/00 01:33:26
My Email:[email protected]
Since I am a singer songwriter and musicologist, I am fascinated by your theory. I took agree with you, that we will see sound and hear color and you are proving this theory I have had for 10 years, but didn't know how to approach it! I am visiting Chi hen Itza again and will pay much more attention. I have been studying the Mayan civilization for 10 years now, and back and forth to Mexico. I sing in the pyramids. I sang in Pacal's chamber when a bird was frantically flying trying to get out and afte I sang prayers of protection and mantras this bird settled down and was able to get out. I believe the glyphs will have information that number frequencies and tones that help us to biolocate. I believe the Mayans (around 1,000 b.c.) left this technolo y for us to be able to use in transporting to other regions beyond ours. In some of the glyphs in Yaxalan, there is record of Mayans that come from another star system, looking like chinese/ethiopian features and sitting with a Buddha posture. I believe it is a star system with 3 suns, and so is not in this galaxy, but very far away. I believe they were able to transport to other galaxies through humming (vocally)in these labyrinth chambers and they were able to speed up the body's molecular structure t at way to transport physically. Through researching your theories and with a little more practice you will prove this also! I have been able to intone and sing with sacred sounds, sacred prayers inside these pyramids (with written permission from the Mex co government) and so have a physical experience of the interdimensions that exist. This is physcial evidence, not mental. I would love to hear from you all more on this. I will be visiting Mexico in the next two weeks and this information is so very elpful. Thank you! Anyah

Wazt - 03/01/00 02:17:52
My Email:[email protected]
Fresh concept. Analysis of petroglyphs using this conceptual model may yield more valid information to use in relating the art to the culture and civilization of the artists. I agree that ritual acoustic instruments seem to have been used in association w th community rituals. Current shamans are known to also use acoustic techniques to obtain an altered state of consciousness for their spiritual and healing work. All I can say is, "Hmmmmmmmmmmm............................"

sarah cross - 02/29/00 15:49:31
My Email:[email protected]
I'm interested in your work. I'm begining some research on changing accoutical properties of archaeological sites in Ireland as a reflection of changing ritual practices. I'm interested particularly in modelling accoustics

norm mether - 02/03/00 11:30:45
My Email:[email protected]
very interesting. I found your web address in an article from "Nature Australia".

Stephen L. Waller - 01/31/00 10:18:15
I only visited site as our names are similiar. I'm in Rockhampton Australia.

Larry Larason - 01/14/00 03:28:50
My Email:[email protected]
I've been interested in the acoustics of rock art sites for several years, but haven't pursued it in detail. First, a couple of comments on your list of sites in Utah: I just visited the Procession Panel on Comb Ridge last November, but did not notice an acoustical phenomena there. I have camped several times near the Sand Island panel and not noticed any echoes. However, I have noticed great sound reflectance at all of the Barrier Canyon style sites I have seen, e.g., Horseshoe Canyon, Sego Canyon, the Bird Site in Canyonlands. While I was at the Sego site the first time, I was alone. A train was passing by...3 miles away?...but it sounded like it was coming right up the canyon at me. Also, at the Sinbad site [another Barrier Canyon style], the sound from the Interstate seemed much closer than they actually were. I mused that a shaman had made his home there where no one could visit him without his being aware that they were coming. I plan to re-visit the Procession Panel next spring, so, after rea ing your web site, I guess I will pay more attention to the acoustics there.

Jack Ames - 12/29/99 11:02:21
My Email:[email protected]
Wow! I am just blown out! I never imagined such a thing as "recordings" from ancient (sacred) sites ... I have though, long been interested in the theory that certain mimicking birds, i.e., lyre birds, etc., imitate the voices of long-extinct animals ... have had some interesting experiences in this area while living in the rainforests of northern New South Wales, Australia. Many thanks for your work ...

Lorel Grande - 12/28/99 04:22:24
I really like your website and scense I am doing a science report on the Quetzal it was a lot of help to read all of the information, and will save me a lot of time. Although I do think [and others probably do to] that you should ad more sounds and pictu es it would also help the others that come to this website fore reports.

Patti Love - 12/28/99 04:10:13
I really like your website and maybe sometime we can chat.

Gerry Elliott - 12/03/99 07:47:40
My Email:[email protected]
Very interesting what amazes me is there is such abroad base of areas ,it supposes that all ancient thought it spiritual, that would also assume a similar thinking across cultures ages eras and forms of comunication ?

Amy Dyson - 11/27/99 16:57:45
My Email:[email protected]
Wow. Thank you for your wonderful work! It collaborates some of my own discoveries from in the original cave of Lascaux. Verrrry interesting indeed. Amy Dyson B.C. by A.D., I

Bill Hill - 11/23/99 18:11:09
My Email:[email protected]
I really like your site. I have studied rock art in the past, and only recently have been exposed to the sound theories. I have noticed the echo effects at many sites I have visited, and had not connected them to the art. I hope to see more about this eff ct soon. I will recomend this site to friends. Thanks.

Raul Marquez - 11/22/99 23:33:40
My Email:[email protected]
Very interesting. I have visited Horse Shoe Canyon and found the sounds in the canyon very stange.

joe kot - 11/17/99 04:53:25
My Email:J>[email protected]
more sounds please, sir.

Dr. Matija Gogala - 11/14/99 09:08:27
My Email:[email protected]
I heard your talk at Columbus ASA meeting and looked at your site. Why not to include a recordings of (multiple) echoes? Very interesting idea but hard to prove... Kind regards, Matija

Patricia Doornbos - 11/13/99 20:59:09
My Email:[email protected]
I have enjoyed your site so much. We live in Sedona Az and have been to many of the sites you listed. We kept fussing about Woo canyon being defaced until Forest Service finally did something about it. We have never been to Heiroglyphic Canyon and would ike to see it before we get too old to climb. Could you tell us where it is located? Is it in Yavapai Wash, and if so, where is that?? Sorry so many questions but we think the rock art is so beautiful and love to "go see". Anything you can send us on great sites in Arizona would be very much appreciated. Thanks so much. Patricia Doornbos.

Emily Donald - 10/10/99 00:47:54
My Email:[email protected]
I writing my dissertation on prehistoric music in the Southwest, and found your site intriguing because it ties in to things I had been thinking about with kivas and plazas. Would you be interested in correlating your sites with those at which instrument were found by archaeologists?

Carl A. Bjork - 09/26/99 18:22:01
My Email:[email protected]
Steven, Have you visited the California sites that may have acoustical qualities? Carl

Brent Larmer - 08/11/99 02:15:58
My Email:[email protected]
What an interesting site. I had no idea about how deep your studies have taken you into this field. I want to know more about these theories and findings. Can you suggest a place where I can go and search these echoes and petroglyphs? Thank you, Brent Larmer

Carl A. Bjork - 04/21/99 20:36:32
My Email:[email protected]
It is good to see that you are still chasing this thing. I will contact you at your new address in California.

Melendez - 04/01/99 11:07:44
My Email:[email protected]
Muy interesante su teoria. felicitaciones por este nueva interpretacion.

greg lindholm - 03/06/99 18:27:28
My Email:[email protected]
i got to you thru lubman's science news article. i'm beginning to have an interest in rock art and paleo-recording. I'll be back.

Richard ChauDavis - 02/10/99 11:33:56
My Email:[email protected]
Thank you for the research. Your observations deepend my understanding of 'rock art'

Luke Boughen - 02/07/99 19:51:24
i'm doing a school project on altering or changing sound by creating certain structures and came by

Dorothy Patent - 01/25/99 00:45:53
My Email:[email protected]
I find your work very interesting--keep it up! I'm especially interested in the painted ice age caves in Europe and their possible functions.

john benfield - 01/11/99 04:16:13
My Email:[email protected]
my friend ken will like this. I paint panoramas. someday I will paint a cave. not my house.

janet lever - 01/09/99 21:50:51
My Email:[email protected]
Hi Steve. just thought I'd sign in and let you know I'm still interested in being part of your session more later

Tometten Christoph - 01/07/99 19:59:07
Why the Quetzal shirps on your site of the Mayan pyramids not make sounds? I tried and I heared nothing! Your site is excellent but I'd like hear the shirps. Christoph Tometten, Geneva. PS: Excuse me for my English. I can't speak it very well.

Yann-Pierre Montelle - 12/11/98 21:12:49
My Email:[email protected]
How can I get in touch with Steven ?

dee moorman - 10/10/98 12:42:22
My Email:newzmom
I wish I had known this before I visited Homolovi state park. The petroglyphs there were hard to find because they were tucked up against the main rock formation. I remember wondering why pictographs would be so hidden and you offer an obvious explanation I want to go back and clap!

Luis A. Figueroa Jr. - 05/25/98 18:17:38
My Email:[email protected]
I heard your presentation at ARARA in Ridgecrest. I am presently doing some research at Red Rock Canyon State Park, CA and if I may, would like to get in touch with you in the future.

Guilherme Campos - 05/01/98 14:28:00
My Email:[email protected]
I'm currently researching for my PhD in Acoustics and found this web site very surprising and interesting. I wonder if the recently found paleolithic site in Vila Nova de Foz Coa (North of Portugal) could add to your list... It is considered one of the mo t important in the world; it is situated in a deep valley with very difficult access. A huge dam (it would be the biggest in Portugal) was being constructed, but the project was halted (a very controversial decision) and the site has become a National Pa k.

Guilherme Campos - 05/01/98 14:17:41
My URL:http://`
My Email:[email protected]
Very interesting!

Wade Workman - 04/24/98 00:55:20
My Email:[email protected]
Steve, Found your site while surfing for other rock art info. Still interesting in the methodological and interpretive procedures/problems/applications of your technique. Have bookmarked your page and will return for updates. Best wishes, Wade

Darlene Cates - 02/25/98 01:16:06
My Email:[email protected]
I have been fascinated by my own experiences in viewing rock it has crept into my own artistic expressions...and have enjoyed the "vibes" of the sites I've visited...but this idea of the acoustical importance of rock art sites is a new one to me It certainly makes sense in view of the ritualistic theories surrounding the art that sounds would also play an integral part. Really great stuff. Thanks and continued good work!

Jeff LaFave - 01/11/98 06:52:52
My Email:[email protected]
Nice site - I had experienced the ringing rock at Painted rocks in AZ and was aware of Renegade Canyon and Wikwik (thought I have not found this site yet). I didnt realize how prevalent acoustic phenomena were in relation to rock art and your theory seem to "ring true". I will have to keep this in mind in the future when I check out new sites. You might check out the Indian Valley rockshelter/cave which is a summer and vernal solstice site w/ some pictos on the ceiling. It is in the Anza - Borrego dese t. Good luck and keep up the interesting work.

Carl A. Bjork - 11/16/97 03:36:17
My Email:[email protected]
Great new look to your webpage. The sound/echo information was interesting. Keep up your work on this important research. Thanks again for your interest and sharing of information.

Margaret Berrier - 11/09/97 02:34:45
My Email:[email protected]
Checked out the updates -- looks good but I couldn' get the echo sound to work -- may be user error

Steve Waller - 11/08/97 15:13:04
My Email:[email protected]
Another test message on 11-8-97. (Click on "I'm Done!" to add the message to guestbook.)

Steve Waller - 11/08/97 15:12:05
My Email:[email protected]
Another test message on 11-8-97. (Click on "I'm Done!" to add the message to guestbook.)

Steve Waller - 11/02/97 06:38:05
My Email:[email protected]
This is an example entry.

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