The machine technology that is being developed by TerraSystems, strives to be on the cutting edge of the soil/clay brick manufacturing industry. TerraSystems International mission is to be a leader in the development of this technology and to perfect the processes of construction, utilizing these systems. Through joint ventures and partnership developments, TerraSystems continues to innovate and create new ideas in the community construction sector. Technology transfer and production set-up on medium and small projects are TerraSystems primary focus. Training and work force management is an integral part of TerraSystems technology transfer. Training in the art of soil classification and TerraCrete manufacturing are our prime concern.

**************Triplex 6000**************------------------------***********Sin-Plex 2000 **********

***********PGH Mobile Unit 240*************------------------------*******HP Manuel Press ******

************PGH 360 Mobile Unit**************--------------------------***********PGHD 360 Mobile Unit***********

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Last date modified April 10,1998
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