Ryanburg's Guestbook! I demand answers! We have ways of making you talk!

Chad - 10/14/00 23:21:09
My Email:[email protected]
Tell why Bill Clinton sucks: I thought it was Monica doing that
Favorite Dead Dictator: Leona Helmsley (well my favorite "future" dead dictator
Guess how long until Fidel Castro is stood up against a wall and shot: 12 days
Name Hollywood actor you would most like to see in a disfiguring accident: Sean Penn
and why: He's a jerk
After careful research using every conceivable tracing method and thanks to my cousin in the FBI, we have unmasked the Jar Jar Binks spammer (it's one person) and it turns out, he has a web page of his own. Go to http://srd.yahoo.com/srst/28915237/trailer+trash/4/10/*http://www.geocities.com/trailerparkpage/ to see the spammer unmasked!!!!

Sean Kenny - 04/03/00 19:02:34
My Email:[email protected]
Tell why Bill Clinton sucks: the pressure within him is lower then ambient
Got another startrek masterbation euphamism: "Setting the phaser to 'cum'"

kodiak - 03/15/00 03:38:43
My Email:[email protected]
Tell why Bill Clinton sucks: on what or who?
Favorite Dead Dictator: chris farley or what ever his name is?
Guess how long until Fidel Castro is stood up against a wall and shot: 1yr3months
Name Hollywood actor you would most like to see in a disfiguring accident: hulk hogan
and why: becouse he sucks.
been on this earth 29 years and the only good star wars was the empire strikes back all the rest suck? ps.ewoks blow big time.

Steph - 03/03/00 00:34:59
My Email:[email protected]
What kind of World War 1 site do you have??? All you have is a pic. I suggest you update that and make it more informational.

Majestx13 - 12/28/99 05:01:13
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/area51/capsule/1450
Favorite Dead Dictator: John Wayne
Guess how long until Fidel Castro is stood up against a wall and shot: I haven't been to Cuba yet

John F. Carr - 12/12/99 23:55:32
My URL:http://stickyfingersmagazine.com
My Email:[email protected]
Tell why Bill Clinton sucks: Because he can't breathe through his nose!
Enjoyed your Piper page! Wish the internet had been up-and-running when I started my research on Piper's work in the 70s. Best,

chris brewer - 12/12/99 15:26:27
My Email:[email protected]

Roger McMillian - 11/08/99 19:55:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Nashville/stage/3209
My Email:[email protected]
Tell why Bill Clinton sucks: I thought Monica did all the work...
Great H. Beam Piper Section. Very useful in the 'project I'm working on.

maggie thatcher - 09/18/99 22:39:15
Tell why Bill Clinton sucks: he`s not as good as reagan in bed
Favorite Dead Dictator: me me me of course
Guess how long until Fidel Castro is stood up against a wall and shot: i thought he had been. whoops thats classified
Name Hollywood actor you would most like to see in a disfiguring accident: there all crap
God bless America

ZENA WARRIOR PRINCESS - 09/18/99 22:32:31
My Email:[email protected]
Tell why Bill Clinton sucks: so he can give monicas jaw a rest
Favorite Dead Dictator: gengis khan
Guess how long until Fidel Castro is stood up against a wall and shot: 5foot 3
Name Hollywood actor you would most like to see in a disfiguring accident: krusty the clown
and why: because he has a horrid clown face and it would improve his looks if not his jokes
i agree about jfk junior its not good he`s dead but there seems to be a lot of expence spent on someone who is famous. i couldn`t understand why they searched the sea looking for the body only to plonk it back in there.nuff said. regards Zena England.

Robert Wojnar - 09/11/99 20:07:16
Tell why Bill Clinton sucks: not honest
Favorite Ungalate: none
Favorite Dead Dictator: dont like any
Guess how long until Fidel Castro is stood up against a wall and shot: never, close friend to clinton
Name Hollywood actor you would most like to see in a disfiguring accident: carrot top
and why: strange

Gina - 09/08/99 14:48:44
Tell why Bill Clinton sucks: He didnt suck, i think everyone else sucked him. I think hes a sorry bastard!!
Guess how long until Fidel Castro is stood up against a wall and shot: We May Never Know
Name Hollywood actor you would most like to see in a disfiguring accident: Sigourney Weaver
and why: She didnt make a good meatloaf LOL
I really dont have anything to say! ( Yeah my husband would drop dead if I said that in an argument. HAHA)

BARBIE - 09/08/99 05:24:56
My Email:[email protected]
Tell why Bill Clinton sucks: BAD ROLE MODEL FOR MY KIDS

RICHARD HOPKINS - 09/07/99 02:09:59

John S. - 08/06/99 15:35:45
My Email:[email protected]
Tell why Bill Clinton sucks: Bill Clinton has been a very good, though not great, president.
Favorite Dead Dictator: Tito, of course.
Guess how long until Fidel Castro is stood up against a wall and shot: He'll die in office and be replaced by a mild reformer, who will be replaced by a liberal economist.
GREAT film page! Can't believe someone else out there saw and appreciated "The Beast". Here are two films I think are underappreciated for you to toss in the ol' circular file: "Solaris" A lugubrious sci fi film made in the Soviet Union. It is often called the Russian version of "2001 A Space Oddysey", which it is not. Like the best science fiction, it uses futuristic technology and a fantastic locale to examine human emotion and perceptions. The ending is one of the best in cinema. "Return of the Living Dead" Arguably the best of the "Living Dead" ouvre. Dan O'Bannon's zombies don't lurch around menacingly, they run full bore at their victims, hungry for brains. This is sometimes funny and silly, but can turn tense quickly. Often scary as hell. "Burnt by the Sun" A 1994 Russian film set in the Stalin era. One of the saddest movies I've ever seen. It shows the horrors of Stalin's purges on a very personal level. Won't say more cuz I wouldn't want to spoil it for anyone.

Shane Bigelow - 07/26/99 23:34:45
My Email:[email protected]
Tell why Bill Clinton sucks: Because he nevered inhaled!
Favorite Dead Dictator: The British Empire:Think About it!
Guess how long until Fidel Castro is stood up against a wall and shot: never will, sucks to much cock
Name Hollywood actor you would most like to see in a disfiguring accident: Kevin Costner
and why: acting skills, equals Clintons leadership skills
I like your site, but it needs more death pictures from the wars. I, like yourself, am in the military, but Canadian, i think it is quite nice to see the other side of life, like death! Continue the good work!

R.D. Thatcher Jr. - 07/26/99 23:28:31
My Email:[email protected]

Nate - 06/28/99 18:53:17
I greatly applause your effort to tell the world of the horid atracity, known as Jar Jar. I give my best wishes to you in your quest for the justice needed to resolve this issue.

S A Loving - 06/28/99 00:32:21
You have a very legitimate point that Jar Jar should die but if he should die so should all the other stupid aliens in the Star Wars films, Ewoks, Ughnaughts, and Jawas to name a few. If you really consider yourself a true Star Wars fan you should learn t overlook these idiosities nad see what the whole Star Wars storie is and not how it is portrayed on the screen. Lucas is only providing us with a visual starting block, we the Star Wars fans should be the ones to build on that dream and not condone it or its creator.

Suzanne Ferencak - 05/23/99 06:38:27
My Email:[email protected]
Tell why Bill Clinton sucks: because he is ruining America and the world
Favorite Ungalate: what is an ungulate?
Favorite Dead Dictator: Ronald Reagan
Guess how long until Fidel Castro is stood up against a wall and shot: first Tuesday in November, 2000
Name Hollywood actor you would most like to see in a disfiguring accident: Barbara Streisand
and why: she did Bill
lol! I came here on the advice of a fellow weather junkie. Loved the Clinton commentary. Storms and more storms.

Sheron - 05/17/99 23:05:58
My Email:[email protected]
Thanks for the stories on okla. tornado's. Great job in keeping us updated. Sheron

Nadine Keane - 05/15/99 17:47:35
My Email:[email protected]
Thank you for your effort and time in which you put together the tornado pics and information regarding the same. We lived in BridgeCreek for almost 6 years and am appalled at the way that small community is not getting the help it needs. When it had th highest death rate, the highest of injuries and the most homes destroyed along with the people that did not have any insurance on their homes. Not being a legitimate town they are not eligible for certain funds that Okla. City is receiving. My hearts go ut to them and many thanks to you for caring and bringing forth their story!!!!!!

Kat Featherston - 05/14/99 18:00:14
My URL:http://www.featherstontrading.com
My Email:[email protected]
Tell why Bill Clinton sucks: Just because he does, such a scum
I was born and raised in OKLA, now live in NM, thanks for the coverage of the tornado. Check out our webb www.featherstontrading.com Like you site, glad someone else dislikes CLINTON

Erin - 05/07/99 19:01:46
My Email:[email protected]
Tell why Bill Clinton sucks: I thought it was Monica that sucked.
Favorite Dead Dictator: I don't like dictators.
Guess how long until Fidel Castro is stood up against a wall and shot: 3 years
Name Hollywood actor you would most like to see in a disfiguring accident: Leonardo DeCaprio
and why: Isn't it obvious?
Hello. I was just looking at your tornado page. Although it is noble of you to post links to information on your site, I wish you would have credited the sources of the maps & photos on your page, as I saw many of the same at the Daily Oklahoman site. erhaps a link to the photo galleries & maps would have been more appropriate. Other than that, your page is interesting and well put together. Good work, Ryanburg.

Steve Rowe, Huntsville, AL - 05/07/99 02:38:45
Ryanburg, Thank you very much for the Oklahoma tornado pages, particularly the maps of the tornados' paths. I have some dear friends in OKC and couldn't reach them since the phone lines were dead or jammed to capacity the first couple days after the stor . I could tell by your maps that, if they were home at the time the tornados hit, they were probably OK. Turns out they are OK, but you helped ease my mind at a time when I wasn't sure. Thanks again!

regi - 05/06/99 23:48:00
Tell why Bill Clinton sucks: therefore, he is.
Favorite Dead Dictator: franco
Guess how long until Fidel Castro is stood up against a wall and shot: not soon enough.
Name Hollywood actor you would most like to see in a disfiguring accident: Brad Pitt
and why: He's prettier than me.
I thought you did a GREAT job on the tornado information, maps, etcetera. Your site impressed me for that reason. Also, the best thing about it is your assessment of Mr. Clinton - I agree totally! (Thank you!)

Billy Preston - 05/05/99 21:41:15
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/severewether/opening.html
My Email:[email protected]
Tell why Bill Clinton sucks: He has no Christian morals...
Guess how long until Fidel Castro is stood up against a wall and shot: It will probably never happen.
Nice web page! I like the Tornado Gallery.

Movieguy - 04/03/99 05:51:46
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tx2/movieguy
My Email:[email protected]
Tell why Bill Clinton sucks: Need more space and time to respond
Favorite Dead Dictator: Any dead dictator is a good one
Guess how long until Fidel Castro is stood up against a wall and shot: 348 days
Thanks for dropping by my site, Ryanburg, and I appreciated the comments. My advice to you is to look to shows like Ally McBeal for purely entertainment value, not realism. I don't know what kind of law you practice here in Texas, but I think a show tha dealt with real litigation matters would stink. Do you like The Practice, written by the same person? I am perplexed by your disdain for our President, which I echo, combined with your complaint about the attorneys on Ally being rich yuppie yankees. W at species are you? A liberal Republican, a conservative Democrat, a Marxist or a Son of the Confederacy?

Blaise Riou - 03/24/99 11:25:26

Je n'aime pas vraiment votre page. Elle ne pensent pas que c'est tr�s int�ressant. Vous devriez l'essayer encore. J'esp�re que ceci aide. Bonne Chance!

Bill Clinton - 03/24/99 01:12:24
My URL:http://shitforbrains.com
Tell why Bill Clinton sucks: I'm completely incompetent and a scumbag
Favorite Ungalate: sheep
Favorite Dead Dictator: Maximilion of Mexico
Guess how long until Fidel Castro is stood up against a wall and shot: 14 months
Name Hollywood actor you would most like to see in a disfiguring accident: Bobby Heflinger
and why: I paid too much for this stupid shirt
Great site Ryanburg. You hit the nail on the head with your description of me! Great work.

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