A Tribute to Glenna Taylor

This is my mom at 18.

And this is my mom a few years ago in Malibu, CA.

She obtained her B.A. and M.A. and she taught dental hygiene at the University of New Mexico.

She was an avid hot air balloon pilot, here watching her balloon, Spinnaker, inflate.
She was amateur radio operator N5ZYE.
She married Captain Albert W. Mitchell my father.

This is a photo of the wonderful woman my dad married.

Then dad got killed in the invasion at Normandy, in June 1944.

Meanwhile, my soon-to-be and cherished stepfather, and former suitor for my mom's affection, returned from the war, and married mom. He was Douglas A. Bell, former Flying Tiger who became a minister and died in 1965.
She was the mother of two sons: me and Douglas A. Bell, Jr., who died in 1972.

Mom died February 9, 2001.

Glenna's father, Tate Irving Bishop

Glenna's grandfather, Jessie Bishop

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