Vocabulary Test

Match the words below with the definitions following


1.  fanfaronade
2.  envoi
3.  revanchist
4.  bellicose
5.  keep
6.  ineluctable
7.  quondam
8.  Hakenkreuz
9.  kristallnacht
10.  simulacrum
11.  encomium
12.  feckless
13.  winkle
14.  hypocrisy
15.  quotidian
16.  gambol
17.  diathesis
18.  denouement
19.  poilu
20.  entr'acte
21.  philippic
22.  pullulate
23.  sartorial
24.  seneschal
25.  quiddity
26.  susuration
27.  foeman
28.  jingoism
29.  mufti
30.  splenetic
31.  pogrom
32.  demarche
33.  fortnight
34.  thespian
35.  voluble


1. weak, ineffective 2. hooked cross (swastika) 3. to pry or rout from cover or secrecy 4. not to be avoided or escaped 5. a great flow of words; talking much and easily 6. boasting talk or showy action; bluster 7. boasting of patriotism and favoring aggressive, threatening and warlike foreign policy 8. pretending to be what one is not 9. oldest servant 10. French soldier 11. something said or done in farewell or conclusion 12. interval between two acts of a play; intermission 13. two weeks 14. of a quarrelsome or hostile nature; eager to fight or quarrel; warlike 15. revengeful spirit moving a defeated nation to aggressively seek restoration of territories, etc. 16. the strongest, innermost part or central tower of a medieval castle; a stronghold, fort, castle 17. enemy 18. organized persecution and massacre, often officially prompted, of a minority group 19. diplomatic maneuver 20. whispering, murmuring, rustling 21. to sprout out, spring up in abundance; teem or swarm 22. the outcome, solution or clarification of plot, as in a play 23. November 9, 1938 24. bad-tempered, irritable, peevish, spiteful 25. having to do with the drama; dramatic 26. an image, likeness; a vague representation, semblance 27. hymn to a victor; high praise, eulogy 28. a jumping and skipping about in play; frolic 29. daily, recurring every day; usual or ordinary 30. a predisposition to certain diseases 31. the essential quality of a thing 32. of clothing or dress, especially men's 33. that was at one time; former 34. bitter verbal attack 35. ordinary clothes worn by one usually in uniform

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