Links about Wal-Mart
It's own website - pretty useless information-wise

Wal-Mart Watch - a good source of news and reports of just what Wal-Mart is up to - the best source of links  (I first learned of the site when I saw its billboard overlooking highway 44 in Shrewsbury)

Congressman George Miller's Wal-Mart Report (pdf file) - just came out in February, very informative, a harsh look at Wal-Mart's labor abuses and "hidden costs"

Wal-Mart vs. Women - interesting videos about Wal-mart's discrimination of women workers

Fast Company's article - the one that really started spreading awareness of Wal-Mart's sour business

Just type Wal-Mart into Google and you'll find literally hundreds of articles
"You are attempting to advance the agenda of an intelligent network of individuals who view corporate development as evil. Attacking Wal-Mart is the easy way to gather the attention for this crusade, but the issue is much larger than Wal-Mart."

- Don Shinkle, Vice President, in a letter to residents of Lake Placid NY as they tried to gain support to vote against a measure allowing a Wal-Mart to be built in their town in 1994
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