All you have to do is watch the news, and you'll see that our world is falling apart. We as a human race seem to be completely out for self, and "truth" seems to have lost its meaning. Our only hope for happiness and peace is Jesus Christ, plain and simple. A lot of people may be confused about what it means to be a Christian. Some think it's all about rules, religion, and guilt. In fact, it's all about freedom and acceptance of God's love. There are 3 steps to escaping the pain and lies of this world by accepting Christ.

The ABC's
1) Admit that you are a sinner. Face it, we all screw up, we're all selfish, we all do dumb stuff. God knows this, and He loves us anyway. He wants us to realize we need Him. Admit it.

2) Believe in Jesus as the answer. History proves that a man named Jesus walked the Earth, performed miracles, and died on a cross. If you think he was lying about being the Son of God, consider this: would a man with that much power die for a lie? Jesus was and is God. Believe it.

3) Commit your life to Him. Notice it doesn't stand for "Clean yourself up first". Many people feel like they are too far gone for God to save them. No way. Decide that you are tired of the emptiness the world offers and simply decide to let God fill you up.

What? That's it? No rule about cutting my hair or giving up heavy music? Please. God is too concerned about your soul to care about that stuff, and we are too. When you come to the realization that it is time to stop trying to do it on your own, pretending that everything is ok, and living that "front", remember the ABC's. Pray this (out loud or in your mind-He hears you (cool, huh?)):

God, I know that I am a sinner. I can't and won't hide that from You. I believe that Your Son Jesus died to save me, even though I don't deserve it. Please save me from this emptiness and live in me. I commit my life to trying to do Your will. In Jesus' name, Amen.

If you just honestly prayed this prayer, you just reserved your spot in heaven! The burden you feel being lifted off of you is for real. Do us a favor. E-mail us at
[email protected]
. We want to pray for you, and get you a Bible if you need one. Open a Bible and start reading (the book of John is a good place to start). Continue praying to God just like you were talking to your best friend, cause that's exactly what He is.

Thanks to The 7 Method for letting us use this.  Check them out at


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