There's a new Magic Set in town. Details are scarce right now, but you can look to see updates in the future. This is a sure thing, too. It's not going to tank out like one might expect. I can guarantee that. Click Here for the New Set's Main Page

Hi. Welcome to my webpage. Right now there's not alot to see and this page is definitly in the 'under contrsuction' phase by any definition of the word. But, I'll do my best to keep things interesting around here. I am currently working with certain limitations in the webpage department, but that should improve with a little time. One thing I can guarantee for now is the NOTW section. I'll try to keep it interesting.

Yeah, so every now and then something captures my attention for a little longer than usual. In a generous gesture, I have decided not only to document these gems, but also to pass them on to you, the end user, insofar as it is possible.
(Note: the above is self-deprecating irony masquerading as arrogance.). In any case, give me feedback on whether or not you like the stuff and I'll try to modify accordingly.
You can see this week's entry here, or you can check out the archives.

This may be the only part of the page up but verdammt, this thing will see some use. Click here for the MM images you need.

Click here for the set breakdown!
Updates for this page will be coming soon. As soon, that is, as I can get the modification numbers from Popeclone.


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