





We want 52 in total

18 white cards

12 white cards

9 white cards

   plus these extras

Church Wisp

Tactical Spy

Key of Bolor

Prarie Marauder






We want 52 in total

20 blue cards

 14 blue cards

11 blue cards

   plus these extras

Psyche Pick

Mercury Bauble




Void Converter

Mercator Cannon






We want 52 in total

20 black cards

12 black cards

10 black cards

   plus these extras

Axor duct


Cursed Tome

Punishing Scythe


Playing God






We want 52 in total

17 red cards

12 red cards

5 red cards

   plus these extras

Ember Ring

Ironheart Dryad


Eshan’s Heir

Flamewind mystic






We want 52 in total

15 green cards

9 green cards

9 green cards

   plus these extras

Bonded Hedgemage


Bordel Orangutang

Set the Stage







We want 26 in total

10 non-colored cards

7 non-colored cards

8 non-colored cards






+ 20 Basic Land=

306, complete set





Now what does all this mean in terms of how our set breaks down? Well, as you can see from

the chart, we need 52 cards from every color. This counts cards of that color and each card that counts

as that color, which would include some artifacts and the gold cards as they are divvied up. The 52 cards

break down to 20 common, 16 uncommon and 16 rare for each color. Throw in 26 cards that don’t count

as any color and you’ve got a full set (once you add basic land.) Cards that don’t count as any color include

artifacts that have no colored component and WUBRG gold cards and lands that form a complete cycle

(since they represent each color evenly, they count towards no color at all.) and it also includes lands

that produce colorless mana. So, this formula gets us a set that respects each color evenly, at least in

terms of representation in numbers, and fits the established rarity scheme perfectly.


            So, what does all that mean in terms of what we need? Here goes.



            1 common, 3 uncommon, 5 rare



            -1 common (one common rarity swapped to a higher rarity), 0 uncommon, 2 rare



            -1 common (one common rarity swapped to a higher rarity), 3 uncommon, 3 rare



            1 common, 3 uncommon, 9 rare



            4 common, 5 uncommon, 7 rare


No Color

            1 uncommon



            So this means that we need a cumulative total of 45 cards. This may seem like a lot of cards,

but pretty much all of it will be taken up making sure that we have each color properly balanced with

the others and all of the basic mechanics we want represented. We’ll also need to use this space to

make sure the set mechanics are fully realized and integrated (dead cards, virtues & vices, &c.) Also

keep in mind that we need only 1 blue card since the common slot is over-full. Thus we only need 5

black cards. Please, let’s not make any more gold cards.


            Specific Details:


Flowbot159, lets make that storm enchantment only red. We need straight-up red rares, red has

already received the ‘extra’ gold card. Plus, besides the fact that it’s a codex, I can’t really think

of any reason to make it black. I think red should get the stormmaking ability because of the

flavor of mirari, and also the fork reference.


I’d like everyone to keep their eyes open for a WUBRG uncommon card to complete the

‘counts-as-no-color’ section so that we can have a complete cycle of WUBRG gold cards, one in

each rarity.


If at all possible, please no more gold cards. If you must make a gold card, please make two of them,

both of the same color combination. Cards with bleedover like Shock Dactly and Coreshaper are



Right now if we make an artifact, we have to make 5 of them. And they all have to be of the same rarity.

It would be easier if we left the artifact count as it is since it worked out nearly perfectly in terms of

Both sheer volume and rarity division. Same thing goes for lands (that count as no color).


Red and Green need the most work, requiring 13 and 16 cards, respectively. White needs 9, blue only

needs 1 (and we all seem to agree that it’s the weakest color!), and black needs 5.


Think Rare. We only need 6 common, but we need to make 14 uncommon and 25 rare cards.


As a final note, our set rocks.






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