Hosted by Rev. Roy of Portland, OR
Welcome to the Church of Rolling Thunder.  I am your host,  Rev. Roy.  The philosophies and direction of the Church are currently, and usually, in a state of flux, or what I prefer to call growth.  However, the Church is a state of mind, of being, living, breathing, eating, dreaming about one thing:  Motorcycles..    All are welcome here, no matter what you ride.

Currently within these pages you will find links for motorcycle related subjects, some of my recommended books on  motorcycles, and some personal pictures and memorial dedications.  This site is updated upon random whims, with no consistency.  Life is like that.  Deal with it.

I was bestowed my nickname on a motorcycle run one Memorial Day weekend about 1992.  Later I became ordained through the
Universal Life Church.  Currently I do not perform legal ceremonies.  That may change in the future though.

I am not a 1%'er.  Nor do I have  affiliations with any Patch-Holder club.  I don't even ride Harley's myself anymore.  But in my heart and soul, I am a biker.  Both of my parents rode motorcycles since their teens (my Mother learned to ride on a Flathead).   I could ride my minibike at five years old.  I was raised in my parents motorcycle shop.  I have over 200k miles of road riding experience along with thousands of hours of dirt/trail riding with no major incidents (knock on wood!).  Many close calls to be sure where friends weren't quite so lucky...

Enough about me.  Come on in, look around, then bitch about the site in my guestbook. 

Live to Ride, Ride to Live!

But just Ride Damn it!
Personal Motrcycle Pics
Worshippers since January 2003
Need something to read?
WARNING! The materials contained herein are protected by international copyright laws.  No logos containing the "Church of Rolling Thunder"  name or any personal photographs may be used for commercial purposes without the express permission of the author. Copyright 2002-2006.
Reach out to the Reverend
In Memorial
Motorcycle Organizations
Motorcycle Clubs
Misc. Biker Sites
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