My name is Rachel, and I design and create custom jewelry out of beads and chainmaille. Recently I have also ventured into the realm of creating lampworked glass beads. Here you will find a gallery of my work, past projects and current projects, as well as a few non-jewelry tidbits for your perusal. Thank you for visiting, and I hope that you enjoy your stay here. :)

I create many of my pieces for charity auctions and the like, though I am more than willing to do commissions as well. If you wish to solicit a donation for a charity auction, have a piece made, or if you would like to purchase a pre-made item (still in the works--please be patient) you may e-mail me here. I usually check my e-mail on a daily basis, though given the nature of my employment I am not always in town to send packages, so please keep that in mind.

The Gallery (Under Construction!)

About the Artist

What is a Wandering Halo?


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