The time between William' s marriage to Anne in 1582, and his appearance as a successful young playwright in London in 1592 are sometimes called ' the loss years'.

Queen' s Men, Who were paid twenty shillings by the Stratford corporation to perform in 1587, when
Shakespeare was 23. The Queen' s Men had been formed in 1583 in a deliberate attempt to put the best actors in London under the direct control of Queen Elizabeth I and her Council.
Shakespeare' s first play was the comedy, Two Gentlemen of Verona.
The Queen' s Men also performed the plays of Robert Greene, who provides us with another unusual piece of evidence that suggests Shakespeare was well known in London by 1792.
William Shakespeare was obviously successful enough to be attacked by other writers. Within two years he had enough money to buy himself a share in the Chanberlain' s Men, the company of actors with whom he would work for the rest of his life.

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