After watching The Champion for quite some time, I have learnt quite a lot of things. Of course, I am aware that The Champion is just a drama serial, where coincidences happen too many times, and does not require explanations for certain things, for example how Jiajun

1) A bus driver can be so blind that he is not aware of a passenger helping an old lady down the bus and drives off without letting the passenger return to the bus.

2) A person will not notice if you take her clothes hung on the shower cubicle door because her back will always be facing the door (she is also weird to hang her towel inside but not her clothes).

3) A couple sitting together at the beach will have higher chances of seeing a shooting star than when a person is sitting alone.

4) A person composing a song is so dumb that he does not save his project from time to time in case his laptop hangs.

5) A girl will rather throw $1000 away to get her rival in trouble, but does not harbour thoughts to pocket the money for her own use, since no one will find out.

6) A drug peddler has binocular eyes as he can see the details on a person's IC lying on the grass, while he is metres away up on a wall.

7) A father's ritual for flogging his son is:
i)hit him with his bare fists first,
ii)then run to get a wooden plank,
iii)throw the wooden plank down,
iv)change to a wooden ladder to hit his son with.

8) Singapore is so small that a girl will quarrel with a guy and find out that he is the brother of her swimming team mate, and that the person he likes is the sister of another team mate.

And of all the petrol kiosks in Singapore, she will get to wash his car.

Similarly, another girl will find out that her mother is quarrelling with her father because of an auntie coaching him in swimming, and her mother will get involved in quarrels, insults, and even a cooking competition with the auntie, before discovering that the auntie is her boyfriend's mother.

Both their families will then meet at a restaurant, unplanned, and eat at the same table.

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