
Just doing a little intro about my friends.

(Back, from left) Rina, me, Huiling
(Front, from left) Jane, Jiahui

This is Gao Xiao Yi Zu, or 'joker family' in Chinese. The reason we call ourselves that was because of some 'boards' we made with silly writings on them about two years ago. Being self-centred and narcissistic, we found them hilarious ourselves so we decided that we were jokers. However many people don't quite agree with us. :(

Jiahui and Jane has stopped seeing Energy with us for quite a period of time, so we don't get to see them as often as the rest. They're both taking their 'A' Levels this year!

Rina is a Toro supporter! She sees Energy with us because it's the feeling of being together that she likes. Also unique to her style is her bian tai xin li.

Huiling is a CF of Shuwei!!!! BEWARE!
She has every item and merchandise of Energy, to the extent that I find it scary. Huiling also has a photographic memory. She can memorise people's faces and point them out among a crowd one year later.

Nicole, Loojean, Celina, Clarissa

This is Daisuki. It means 'really likes' or 'likes alot' in Japanese, and it refers to their fondness of Energy. Mwahaha! They couldn't decide on a Chinese name, so they're also known as Wu Ming Zu (nameless family) to some people.

Somehow I think Loojean is the most misunderstood of all. We've met many cases whereby people talk to her and after some time, they go, "Hey! At first I thought that you were really very bad but you're actually quite nice! :D"

I think people shouldn't make assumptions of other people when they have not even spoken to them yet...

Nicole is the auntie among us. She's a very filial daughter too, I seldom hear her quarrel with her parents. In fact, never!

Celina studies at SIM and is a fan of MK. Her fingernails are always decorated and manicured most of the time. Haha she's well on her way to taitai-sm.

I seldom see Clarissa nowadays. She's busy with her music lessons and school... :S

Lipei, Linzi, Tingting

This is 'TKGS'. They are three girls who graduated from TKGS, and because they were always spotted in their green uniforms during a period of time, we gan cui called them TKGS.

Lipei is sooooo blur and funny!!! Hahaha!! She enjoys cuddling sessions too, haha.

Linzi a.k.a Nutnut is crazy over Ah Di's fingers. She loves them like hell and goes gaga over pictures of his numbers. Her laughter is also very contagious and she's not embarrassed by it!

Tingting is rather mysterious to me. I only get to see her rarely...

Daisuki + GXYZ + TKGS = DGT

Really quite simple.

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