Disclaimer: Not mine, I just play
Summary: Kitten has been a bad girl, Spike fixes that
�Rupert, you outdid yourself this time,� Lorne said, plopping down on the sofa next to Red.
�You sure did, English,� Red agreed, nuzzling next to him.
�Gotta agree there, mate,� Spike clepped, patting his tummy. �That onion thing, bloody delicious.�
The Englishman smiled. Thank you, glad everyone enjoyed. Tea, coffee?�
�Unleaded, please,� Red replied.
�I�ll take the same,� Lorne said.
�Nothing for me, thanks, you want any, Kitten? Spike asked, looking at the redhead on his lap. She didn�t answer. �Pet, talking to you.� Still, nothing.
�Well then, 2 unleaded coming up.� Giles disappeared into the kitchen.
Red looked at her pouting friend atop the vampire�s lap.
�Sweetie, what�s wrong?�
Again, there was no answer. Spike growled lowly, then turned to the green demon.
�Lorne, mate, mind if we borrow the office for a few? My Kitten and I need to have a little talk.�
Lorne nodded. �Go right ahead, talk all ya want to.�
Spike eased her to her feet then stood.
�Thanks, mate. Tell Rupert we will be back shortly.
He took his girl�s hand and started down the hallway.
�Spike?� Red called.
The vampire leaned down to Kitten�s ear.
�I want you over that desk, that bare arse waiting for me, understand?�
She felt a shiver, nodded and hurried off. He turned around and went back to the living room.
�Yeah, luv?� he mused, his sparkling blue eyes on Red.
�Be nice.�
He grinned. �Always am, luv�always am.� And with that, he headed to the office.
�Poor thing,� Red sighed.
�He loves her, cherry pie, you know that.�
�She�s just having a bad night.�
�Well it�s about to get a whole lot better.�
�Where did everybody go?� Giles asked, coming in with a tray of cups.
�Spike had a little, situation to tend to,� Lorne replied, taking two cups from the tray.
�The big meanie,� Red spat, taking hers from Lorne.
Giles furrowed a confused brow.
�Kitten, has a bit of a �tude�,� Lorne explained. �Spike needed to, help her out with it.�
Giles smiled. �Ah, I see.�
He placed the tray on the table and sat down on the other side of Red. Putting an arm around her, he chuckled softly.
�They�re in the office,� Lorne added, chuckling a bit himself.
Red looked at them. �I so do NOT find this funny in the least. You know what he�s going to do.�
�Exactly what needs to be done, luv,� Giles noted, picking up his tea and sipping.
�Oh goddess, typical y chromo statement. You men are so all alike.�
She sipped her coffe.
Lorne and Giles exchanged a look, then sat their cups on the table. Lorne took Red�s from her, mid sip, placed it with the others, then in perfect sync, they picked the redhead up and started towards the stairs.
�Hey!� she cried, when she realised what was happening.
�Seems Kitten isn�t the only one with a �tude� problem, huh, Rupert?�
�I so do not have a�bloody �tude� problem! And I�m so NOT in the mood to play!� she exclaimed, flaying her arms as they made their way up the stairs.
�Looks like an epidemic,� Giles stated, ducking a fist. �Good thing we caught it in time.�
They laughed and she protested louder�which did her absolutely no good at all.

Kitten trembled as she heard the office door opn. She knew she was in for it. She had been a pouty brat all day long, despite her honey�s efforts to make her happy. Tonight had been the last straw. Spike had been patient and kind, no matter how bratty she�d been�and she HAD been bratty�sniping at him, even growling once or twice. But tonight, tonight he had obviously had his fill.
Which is why she was currently bent over the large, cherry wood desk in her friend�s office, pants and panties around her ankles, her bare ass high in the air. Damn, why couldn�t she have just been nice?
Spike stood in the doorway for a moment, his blue eyes gazing at the vision before him. His black jeans were painfully tight and he wanted nothing more than to lock the door, lose the jeans and have a grand ol� time with the woman he loved more than life�and unlife�itself. Oh, that gorgeoua ass!
However, that wasn�t why he was here. No, he had a job to do�one that, he did have to admit, he rather enjoyed doing.
His smile grew and he stepped all the way in, closing the door behind him. There was no need to lock it. He had heard Red�s pleas and protests as his mates had carried away and knew they wouldn�t be coming back anytime soon. So he could take his time punishing his Kitten, which was good�because she desperately needed it.

He approached the desk, standing behind her and she shivered, waiting for the first spank to fall. Instead, she felt a cool hand on her bottom, just resting there.
�You have been very bad, Kitten.�
His voice cut through her, sending both chills and fire throughout her entire body and she raised her bum high witout even realising it. He choked back a chuckle.
�Haven�t you, Kitten? Haven�t you been bad?�
He began to lightly stroke her pale flesh.
�Yes�yes, sir, I have been�I�ve been bad.�
She swallowed hard.
�And why is that, Pet?�
�I�I don�t know why, sir�I don�t.�
�I believe you, Pet.� He stroked harder and she moaned lowly. �What happens to bad kittens, Pet?�
�They get punished, sir.�
Her voice was barely above a whisper, hoarse and full of need.
�And how do they get punished, Pet?�
�They get spanked, sir.�
She closed her eyes, the anticipation deafening.
�That�s right, Pet, they get spanked.�
And on spanked, he raised his hand high and brought it down hard.
She gasped.
�Ask for it, Pet.�
She nodded unconciously. �Please, sir, please spank me. I�ve been very bad.�
�Yes, you have, Pet.�And so he began�raising his hand over and over, bringing it down on her warming bottom, time after time. Kitten gasped, moaned, and ow-ed with each one, the sting of his talented, strong hand igniting a fire on her defenseless behind. She soon began to cry, the tears slow at first, then, as he sped up his spanks, falling faster. Agetr what seemed like forever, he stopped, his cool hand smoothing over her now heated backside. She moaned deeply.
�You took that very well, Pet,� he stated, smiling. �Although, you do realise that you have been far worse than that, yes?�
�Yes�yes, sir, I have been�far worse,� she muttered, through the remaining tears.
He removed his hand, much to her dismay, and moved to the front of the desk.
�I know Rupert keeps a little something in here�Red�s got a big thing for this room, ya know?� He grinned and opened the bottom drawer. �Bottom one, how appropriate.�
He chuckled as he help up the small, leather paddle.
Kitten�s eyes grew wide and she whimpered. He gave her a wink, then moved to his previous posistion behind her.
�Hmmm, this just may do the trick,� he purred, placing the leather against her bum.
�Oh,� she whimpered, trembling.
�Yes, I think it will.� He moved the paddle, raising it high in the air. �Count, pet, and thank me after each one.�
�Yes, sir,� she shakily answered.
He brought the paddle down onto her already red bottom�not hard, but enough that with what he had already done, made her squeal.
�1, thank you, sir�2, oh! Thank you, sir�3!!! Ow!!! Thank you, sir��
And so it went�one after the other, until she cried out 25, thank you sir. It was then that he dropped the paddle onto the desk, pulled her into his arms and hugged her tight.
�I love you, Pet,� he said, rubbing her back as she wept into his chest. �I hate seeing you like that, I do. It kills me, breaks my heart, it does.�
�I�m sorry, I am, so sorry,� she tearily muttered, her own arms wrapped around him. �I love you too, so much.�
�I know, Pet, I know...all is forgiven now, sh, I love you, more than anything.�
He held her tightly, as if his very life depended on it. And truth be told, it did. She was the most important thing in the world to him and he would do whatever it took to keep her safe and happy.
After a few minutes, he let her go and kissed the remaining tears away. He then knelt down and turned her back around, placing his cool lips onto her flaming red skin, covering her well-spanked bum with soft, tender kisses. She moaned lowly, wishing he would do more than just kiss. Maybe later, once they were back home.
Carefully, he eased her panties up over her. She winced as he did, wincing even more as her jeans followed. He fastened the zipper and button, then stood back up and kissed her tenderly on the lips.
�What do you say we go and have some of that coffe now, ey, Pet?�
She nodded. �And cookies, too?�
He smiled. �You can have all the cookies you desire, Pet.�
He kissed her again and escorted her out of the office.
In the living room, Spike sat on the sofa, Kitten carefully in his lap, her bum sore but happy. They drank Rupert�s delicious coffee, ate Lorne�s yummy cookies, and laughed as above them, the sounds of, �Bloody y chromos�OW!� Rang out.
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