Spike/OC, Lorne/OC
Disclaimer: Joss' Folk, the OC's belong to their prespective owners
Summary: Elven fun
Tangi gave Lorne a look.

"I don't want to go, Lorne...let's just stay home and cuddle, watch a movie."

She smiled, flashing her big brown eyes. The handsome green demon shook his head. He was crazy in love with Tangi McGregor, his Garou goddess and thanked the heavens that she drove like Buffy...that's how they met...she rearended him in the parking lot of Wal Mart.

"We are going to this meeting, kitten, now get your cute little tushy in the car, now, because if I have to get you there, it won't be a comfy sit."

She pouted in a big way, but did as she was told, muttering under her breath the whole way to the car. Lorne just smiled. He did love his baby girl.


"Spike! I don't want to and you so can't make me!"

William the Bloody eyed the blonde in front of him...Ariel Morgan, spoiled rich girl and love of his life. It had been a vampire attack that threw them together but the moment the former big bad held her in his arms, he knew he'd never let her go.

"Oh can't I, pet?"

Ariel's hands immediately moved to cover her bum and she put on her best pout.

"We could stay here and cuddle and do naughty things."

She batted her big blue eyes and the vampire had to grin.

"We can be naughty after, luv, now come on, we need to get to Rupert's house."

"But Spik-OW!!!!! Ok ok I'm going!"

She rubbed her stinging backside as she made her way out, Spike grinning as he followed.


"Dear lord, is that all they do?" Giles groaned, staring at the slayer/witch spectcle in the chair by the fireplace.

Willow was perched on the slayer's lap, Buffy's arms tight around her, their lips seemingly glued together.

"Well G man, it does seem to be the theme of the night here," Xander noted, nodding to the sofa, where Tara and Faith were in the exact same posistion.

"Bloody hell, this is supposed to be a meeting about the latest threat to Sunnydale."

"Looks more like a Sapphic Seminar," Anya pointed out, smiling.

The watcher looked at her, his aggravation apparant.

"Oh gawd, he has that look," Cordelia mused, coming into the kitchen."What did you do, Anya?"

"I'll have you know I did nothing...I'm hetrosexual and that's a lesbian look."

Cordelia glanced into the living room, rolled her eyes and wrapped and arm around Giles.

"Don't stare, sweetie, you know it makes your blood pressure shoot up."

She kissed him softly, then opened the fridge to get something to drink.

"Sorry we're late, darlings," Chanel cooed, as she and Jennifer stepped into the apartment. "Car issues."

Chanel Monroe was Giles' niece...well, the closest thing to without the actual blood, her parents and he having been close friends since their youth. Chanel was an artist who taught art at UC Sunnydale, having come to town after the death of her mother a few years back A watcher for a father, Giles was stunned to learn that the man he had once considered a friend had been abusing his own daughter for years. Chanel had shown up on his doorstep one evening, rather late, in tears. When he had finally calmed her down, she told him everything...from her mother's death to her father's abuse. Since that night, the watcher had appointed himself her surrogate father and had taken care of her. Chanel, for her part, welcomed him with open arms, helping the Scoobies in their fight against evil.

Jennifer Walsh was the daughter of Initiative leader, Maggie Walsh. A former soldier who had survived years of abuse at the hands of her mother, Jennifer was vital in helping the gang shut the secret government agency down last summer, thus securing her place as a Scooby for life. She and Chanel met at a party Giles threw for his niece and they became an instant couple. Giles liked the former soldier and was happy that the girl he considered a daughter had found someone so wonderful. He admitted, it helped him sleep better at night knowing Chanel was so well protected.

The tall, beautiful blonde non evil daughter of Maggie Walsh smiled, shot the gang a wink and gave her girlfriend's bum a pat.

"Yeah, car trouble." She plopped down on the sofa next to Faith and Tara and pulled her redhead into her lap.

"Oh gawd, more of them," Cordelia sighed, taking a drink of her juice.

"We do seem to have an awful lot of lesbians on our side," Anya stated.

Xander, eyes glued to the living room, smiled. "Like it's Christmas every day."

"Bloody hell, woman, can you shut that never ending mouth for 2 sodding minutes?" Spike growled, as the front door opened.

"No, I can't, not until I'm good and ready!" Ariel growled right back, slamming the front door.

"Oh look, Sunnydale Barbie and her own personal deadboy," Xander purred, his attention finally drawn away from the trio of chycs smooching to the new arrivals.

Spike shot him a look as he hit the fridge, grabbing a bag of pig's blood and a mug.

"Ariel, Spike, glad you could make it." Giles smiled at the blonde. "Food and beverages are on the table, help yourself."

"How about a nice big glass of Sweet Tea Holy water for the big bad," she mocked, glaring at her lover.

Spike popped the mug into the microwave and looked at Giles.

"Red got any spells of SHUT UP she can do?" he clepped.

"Willow can't do any spells at the moment, her tongue is occupied."

They looked at Anya, who nodded to the slayer and her witch.

"Bloody sodding hell, is that all they bleedin' do?" Spike baulked, getting his mug.

"At least the lesbians are getting some," Ariel coldly replied. "Maybe you should take a hint, Spikey."

She moved to the table and looked through the munchies while Xander turned to Spike and smirked.

"Is some itty bitty vampire havin' itty bitty troubles?" he cooed.

"How 'bout I shove my itty bitty boot up your soddin' ar-"

"Greetings all!"

Giles smiled at Lorne, thankful for his excellent timing.

"Lorne, Tangi, welcome, do come in, make yourself comfortable, food and beverages on the table."

"You ever want outta the watcher biz, sweetie, there's a greeter's job just waiting at Wally's." Cordelia kissed him again, then made her way over to the food, smiling at Tangi as the Garou joined her.

"Oh gawd, I love these!" Ariel stuffed a rice crispy treat into her mouth and smiled. "Anya?"

Cordelia nodded as she filled a plate. "No one makes them like her."

"She is a great cook," Tangi noted, snatching one from the plate. "Least if I have to be here, I can have somethin' good to eat."

Ariel nodded as she chewed. "So with you offence, but Iam so not in the mood for a Scooby meeting. I mean, hello, I need some Spikey time."

"Me, too...only Lorne time, not Spike time," Tangi noted, smiling.

"Tell me about it, try being the head of the clan's girlfriend," Cordy quipped, reaching for a brownie. "I swear, sometimes, I forget what he looks like." She winked and retreated to the empty chair in the living room.

"Thanks, Cor," Xander cooed, reaching over from his place on the floor and stealing a cookie.

She smacked his hand. "Excuse you, get your own, doughboy."

Anya giggled and sat down next to him. "Here sweetie, you can have one of mine." She placed the paper plate on his lap and kissed his cheek.

"So then, there I am, all looking too fine...pick nightee, lace covering these..."Ariel gestured to her brests. "Scented candles all over the place, soft music on the radio...that old romantic stuff from like, 1985...and what does he do?"

Tangi swallowed her cookie. "Fall asleep?"

"Can you believe it? I'm all sexyied up and he falls asleep!"

"Oh yeah, I know how that is...same thing happened to me last week...I know the whole, evil fighting thing is important and all, but sometimes, it's like that's all they care about."

Ariel took a bite out of her brownie. "Like tonight, I so just-"

"Wanted a nice, quiet evening alone with him?" Ariel nodded." Oh honey, I'm so right there with you."

They turned and looked to the kitchen, where Spike, Lorne and Giles stood in conference, then looked at each other...then to the living room.

"Notice something here, Tangi?"

The wolf nodded. "Men." She practically spit the word out.

"Are pigs," Ariel added.

"You don't see Will or Tara being neglected and their with slayers," Tangi noted.

"Or Chanel and hello, Jen's just as butch as my Spikey."

"It's not fair."

"So not fair."

"We should do something about it."

Ariel smiled. "Yes we should." Determination on her face, she picked up a brownie and whizzed it across the room, pegging Spike in the back of the head.

"OW! What the bloody hell?" He turned around and looked at Ariel, who pretended to be in deep conversation with Tangi. "Not funny, pet!"

The blonde giggled, not looking away from Tangi.

"Is he still looking?" she asked.

The Garou shook her head. "Nope, he's back in business mode." She looked at the half eaten cookie in her hand, then at Lorne and soon he was brushing chocolate chips out of his hair.

"Kitten, " he warned, eyeing her hard.

She ignored him, giggling with Ariel over some untold joke. The demon turned his attention back to what Giles was saying, only to jump when a rice crispy treat whacked a horn. As he opened his mouth to say something to his baby girl, he was cut off by the vampire.

"BLOODY HELL! That hurt!" Spike whined, rubbing the back of his head.

Ariel looked down at the now meatball-less fork in her hand and smiled. Her smile disappeared fast, however, as she found herself being placed over Spike's shoulder. Tangi laughed, but soon found herself in the same posistion over a green one.

"Excuse us, gang, Rupert, we need to borrow the spare room for a few minutes," Lorne gently said, smiling as he followed Spike down the hall.

Anya grinned. "Somebody's getting a spanking."


"Spike! Put me down now!!!!!"

"Oh, I plan on it, pet," he grinned, taking a seat on one side of the bed and placing her over his lap.

"Lorne! I don't want a spanking!" Tangi protested from her place across the demon's lap, as he sat on the other side of the bed.

"Too bad, kitten, you asked for this and you're darn well gonna get it!"

He raised her skirt and pulled her panties down. Behind him, the vampire had taken his princess' jeans down, as well as her panties and was ready to begin.


"Naughty girl, throwin' food at her vampire."


"Bad kitten, misbaving."


"Spoiled little brat you are, pet"


"You know better than to throw food, little girl."

Both girls kicked and screamed and tried to get up. And both Lorne and Spike held them down with ease and spanked harder.


"Fighting only makes it harder on you, young lady."


"Lie still, pet, stop bein' a brat."

Their bums on serious fire, Tangi and Ariel gave up fighting and lay over their demon's lap, crying. One they stopped fighting, the boys gave their perpective mates a solid dozen more, then rubbed gently.

"I love you, baby girl."

"I love you, pet."

Ariel sniffled. "Bully."

Tangi sniffled. "Meanie."

"You gonna behave, princess?" Spike asked.

"You gonna be a good little kitten?" Lorne cooed.

Tangi nodded yes and he stood her up, standing himself and hugging her good.

"I love you, Lorne, " she sniffed.

"I love you, baby girl." He kissed her head.


Ariel nodded and seconds later, found herself in Spike arms.

"I love you, Spikey, bully."

Spike grinned. "I love you, pet." He kissed her head.


"Gawd Xander, will you wipe that stupid grin off your face," Cordelia quipped.

"It is a bit irratating, sweetie," Anya said, taking a meatball from the plate and chomping it.

"Dear lord, "Giles sighed, relieved that the sounds of spanking had stopped. "Perhaps now we can have the actual meeting."

Cordelia smiled at him, then nodded to the trio of girls gone wild.

"Sure, just let them know."

Chanel pulled away from Jennifer, a pout on her lips.

"What's wrong, baby?" the blonde asked, rubbing her back.

Chanel looked to the hallway and said, "Can we be next?"
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