Joss & Vince own. I am merely doing what SHOULD be done.
Summary: Cross between the two greatest shows on tv! A holiday gathering of Scoobies & WWE make for an entertaining day.
" Anya! "
The ex demon turned to her boyfriend.
" Yes, sweetie? "
" Stop gawking, " Xander said, his brown eyes on the blonde.
" I am NOT gawking! "
"You were gawking, " Dawn noted, popping a cookie in her mouth.
Anya ignored her.
" They're famous, honey, " she explained, turning to Xander. " Gawking is expected.
" Translation. " Dawn stated, smiling. " Buf wrestlers, feast for the eyes. "
Xander opened his mouth to reply, but was stopped by the entrance of Buffy, Angel, Spike and Cordelia.
"Muscle much! " the brunette quipped, plopping down at the kitchen table.
" Have you touched that man's arm? Thicker than both my legs! "
" Muscle isn't everything, Pet, " Spike grumbled, sitting down next to her.
" Awwwww, poor Spike, " Buffy mockingly cooed, hopping up on the counter. " Finally realize how much of a man you aren't, huh? "
The blonde vamp opened his mouth to give her a snappy retort, but Angel stopped him with a look. Cordelia giggled and put an arm around her boyfriend.
" Don't worry, baby, you're plenty man for me. "
He turned and placed a not so soft kiss on her lips.
" Eww much! " Buffy quipped, making a face.
" They are so cute, " Dawn gushed.
Anya took Xander's arm and led him discreetly out of the room. Angel slipped an arm around the Slayer and she leaned into his embrace.
" Right, " Dawn said, getting up from her chair. " Third wheel girl is going to find herself a wrestler. "
As the youngest Summers went outside, the four remaining Scoobies exchanged a look.
" Oh no! " Buffy exclaimed, hurrying after her.

" You are so sexy when you eat. "
Willow stopped, mid chew and raised a brow at her boyfriend.
" You are just whipped, baby, " she teased, brushing her fingers across HHH's well - muscled chest.
" Willow whipped? " He grinned. " Hell yes! "
He pulled her into his arms and kissed her.
" Is that ALL you to ever do? " Cordy inquired, as she and Spike approached them.
The blonde waved them away, not removing his lips from the redhead.
" I like the way he thinks, Pet, " Spike cooed, slipping his arms around her waist.
" Burgers are ready. "
Spike and Cordy turned to Tara.
" You'd better get it while it's there, " the muscled y next to the blonde witch stated. " Xander & Rocky are already piling their plates. "
Tara smiled at Rob.
" Bloody hell! " Spike quipped, looking over at the People's Champ and Xander, who were loading up at the food table. " They had better not eat all the bleedin' twinkies! "
Tara and RVD laughed as Cordelia hurried after the vamp.
" A vampire that eats twinkies, " the wrestler mused, taking a seat next to Tara across from the still lip - locked Willow and Hunter. " Wild. "
The kissing couple finally came up for air and found two sets of eyes smiling at them.
" Glad you could join us, " Tara teased.
Willow blushed but Hunter grinned.
" Actually, we're going to take off, " he said, standing up.
Willow looked up, surprised. He merely gave her a wink, then reached down and picked her up.
" Hunter! " she cried, giggling. " What are you doing? "
" Taking you somewhere private, " he replied, slinging her carefully over his broad shoulder.
" We'll miss the fireworks! "
" No we won't, sweetheart, " he cooed, caressing her backside.
" Trust me. "
He slapped her playfully and she eeped aloud. Rob chuckled and placed a gentle kiss on Tara's cheek.
" Hunter Hurst Helmsley! You put me down this minute! "
He ignored her, making his way inside and up the stairs, excusing them as he passed the Scoobies and his fellow wrestlers.
" What, prey tell, " Giles began, watching them go by.
" Don't worry about it, English, " the redhead purred, pulling him in for a kiss. " You've got other things that demand your attention. "
He smiled as Lita pressed her lips softly onto his.
" Buffy, come on! I'm so not a kid! "
The Slayer put her sister in the white, plastic chair and glared at her.
" You are not going to show Jeff Hardy 'your stuff', got it? "
" I was talking about wrestling, man! Over - react much? "
" You were hanging on him like Anya does the cash register, " Buffy pointed out, her hazel eyes still fixed on Dawn's blues. " You're 15, act like it. "
" I was, " Dawn pouted.

Hunter locked the bedroom door, then stepped to the bed, where he set Willow down. Before she could get a word out, he had his warm, sweet mouth on hers, his tongue demanding a dance. The redhead answered with gusto, her arms wrapping around his large, muscular body, pulling him closer. They drank from each other, thirst for the other, overpowering. Eventually, he moved to her neck, taking in quick gasps of air as he did. His tongue traced her flesh, licking, savoring and she moaned hungrily. She wanted him, all of him, now.
" Goddess, Hunter, " she growled, pulling at his tee shirt.
He backed away, just long enough to free himself of his clothes, then returned to her, ripping her blouse in one, swift motion, doing the same to her shorts. Willow moaned, her fingers stroking his hardness, her body arching for contact. He smiled, his brown eyes taking in the sight of her. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen and he was crazy in love with her.
" Hunter, you tease, " she groaned, squeezing him. " You are so very the mean. "
It was his turn to growl and she smiled wickedly when he did. Their eyes locked for what seemed an eternity, then the blonde pressed his body into hers. Willow gasped at the light contact, her body wanting so much more.
" Easy, Red, " he softly said, holding her hands in his. " Let me take care of you, sweetheart. "
Leaning in, he brushed his lips delicately over her stomach, causing her to shudder with delight. He continued kissing her, tender lips covering her, as his body slipped slowly into hers. Willow moaned loudly when she felt him moving inside of her and tried to bring him deeper, her body thrusting up to meet his.
Hunter eased her back down, his mouth finding hers.
" Easy, baby, easy, " he whispered, nibbling on her ear while he plunged further in. She moaned, her head rolling from side to side. " That's my
girl, " he breathed, finding a rythym. " That's my sweet Red. "
Willow relaxed, allowing him to set the pace, her own body now swimming in ecstasy. He kissed her tenderly, his hands caressing hers as his body moved slowly, in, out, in, out. He knew just what she liked and just what she needed. He took his time in giving it to her, savoring every delicious thrust and making certain that she did the same.
" I love you, Red, " he whispered, biting gently on her neck. " I will always love you. "
" Mmm, I love you, Hunter, always, " she moaned back.
He felt her release near and quickened the pace a bit. Willow's moans became cries and she begged him to take her all the way. He kissed he, hard, then began thrusting harder, faster, deeper. She cried out encouragement, her raspy voice nearly sending him over the edge.
" Goddess, baby, " she pleaded, panting. " Please. Please. "
That was all it took. Hunter kissed her softly, then thrust one, final, hard time, his mouth moving to her ear where he told her he loved her as he took her to sweet abandonment.
Feeling her warm release, he too, abandoned and filled her with everything he had. Their voices rang through the air, a symphony of perfect pleasure and he rolled over, putting her on top of him, holding her in his arms.

Willow stepped out onto the back porch and was met with applause and cat calls . She turned to hurry back inside and ran smack into the brick wall that was her boyfriend. Hunter smiled proudly and waved to their cheering friends. Willow turned the color of her hair and buried her face against his chest.
" Can ya smell, what the Willster is cooking? " Rock exclaimed, smiling like a cheshire cat.
" Thank you, thank you, my friends, " Hunter stated, leading Willow over to the food table. " Now if you don't mind, Red and I would like to get a little food. "
" Make love big, eat bigger, " Jeff cracked. Trish slapped his shoulder.
" Yes, gotta keep up that strength, Red, " Buffy piped, smiling at her best friend.
Willow raised a brow at the Slayer, who was perched rather comfortably on Angel's lap.
" Yes, Buffy, " she replied. " Gotta have that non - fat yogurt. "
Buffy laughed.
" That was a wonderful orgasm. Congratulations. "
All eyes turned to Anya and Xander shrugged.
" And they talk about us being unique, " Trish noted.
Jeff chuckled and kissed her on the cheek.
" Hey guys, look! "
Everyone turned to where Dawn was pointing. There were sprays of gold and red splashing across the sky.
" I love this! " Lita exclaimed, snuggling closer to Giles.
" Whoa, check that one out! " RVD quipped, as a red, white and blue stream shot through the sky.
" I like, " Tara replied, resting her head against his chest and looking up.
Hunter pulled Willow close to him as they witnessed the Sunnydale July fourth fireworks spectacular. She smiled, the safety of his strong arms peaceful and across the Summers back yard, the Scoobies and the finest of the WWE enjoyed the comfort and happiness of good food, good friends and true love.

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