Disclaimer: Not mine, I just play
Summary: Kitten has been good, and gets a treat
Spike patted his lap and Kitten hurried to go over it. A huge smile on her face, she draped herself over him and sighed contently. It was her favorite place to be. She�d sleep there if she could. She had, on an occasion or two, fallen asleep there.
His hand moved over her pantied bottom and she cooed lowly. He grinned and massaged tenderly, his palm smoothing across the red satin.
�Have you ben a good girl, Pet?� he asked, already knowing the answer.
�Mmm, yes sir, I have�very good,� she replied, eyes closing as his voice filled her ears.
�Then I suppose you do deserve this, ey, Pet?�
�Oh yes sir, I most definitely do!�
He raised his hand and brought it gently down onto her bum, eliciting a low moan from her lips.
�Then ask nicely, Pet.�
�Oh please, sir, may I have a nice, long good girl spanking, please?�
He felt his trousers tighten. So did she.
�Yes, Pet, you may.�
Raising his hand again, he began spanking her�gently, tenderly, his hand meeting her satin covered behind with a resounding smack, over and over and over again.
Kitten moaned lowly, gasped lightly, her body writhing ever so slightly under his touch.
He took his time, measuring each spank so it would give her nothing but pleasure as he slowly but surely heated up her bum. And heat it up he did. Spank after spank, her sweetly punished backside began feeling the burn, his stinging palm sending a fire to more than just her delicious rear.
She moaned louder writhed more and she felt the fire in him stir.
He stiffened more as her raspy cries echoed in the air and soon, stopped his spanking. Kitten graoned disappointedly as she felt his hand not come down. Her disappointment, however, was short lived as she felt her satin panties being pulled down.
�Pet, I thought you were a good girl,� he mused sliding the undies off of her legs.
�I am sir, I swear.�
He grinned as he put the damp satin to his face and inhaled deeply.
�You smell naughty, Pet�very, very naughty.�
She blushed so hard, she was sure her face matched her bottom. He dropped the satin onto the bed and smoothed a cool hand over her heated flesh.
�Ohh, mmmmm�� she purred, arching up to his touch.
�You�re warm, luv, and red�tho��� His hand came up quick, and came down even quicker.
�Not quite warm enough, nor red enough�at least not for me.�
He spanked again, harder than before, yet careful not to really hurt her. This was for her pleasure, her reward for being his very good girl. And he would make damn sure she got nothing but pleasure from it. In fact, he was determined she got nothing but pleasure for the rest of the night.
So he spanked on�his hand falling again and again and again, the smooth palm landing on her supple flesh, the hue growing deeper and deeper red.
Kitten writhed harder, raised higher, moaned louder and he greeted each writhe, each raise, each moan with a harder spank, his hand finding just the right spot to make her repeat the action that earned her the spank in the first place.
This went on for an hour, until neither could take it any longer. His zipper nearly busting open, he ended the spanking�her good girl spanking�and, scooping her up in his arms, placed her over onto the bed, tummy side down on two pillows. He then freed himself from his denim confines and, getting on his knees, gently eased her thighs apart and�..
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