(3rd in the Make It Stop series)
W/B (R-drama)
Joss� people, my words.
Summary: Dawn has a question�why?

Dawn Summers sat at the counter eating her Captain Crunch, her big blue eyes never leaving the redhead sitting at the table across the room. Despite the pair of pillows resting beneath her, it was obvious that Willow was anything but comfortable. The youngest Summers furrowed a brow. It had been two days since she had spent the night with Xander and Anya, two days since her sister, Buffy the vampire slayer, had spanked her girlfriend, Willow Rosenberg�two days and the girl she considered mentor, sister, friend, was still in enough pain that even fluffy pillows were of little help. Two days, forty eight hours�

+++++That night, at the Magic Box+++++

�Donut me, Bufster.�
Buffy passed the box of donuts to Xander then returned to the book in front of her. Grabbing an overstuffed pastry, he put it to his lips and took a huge bite.
�Oh yeah,� he moaned, chewing enthusiastically, �this is the stuff!�
Anya watched as a dribble of purple jam dripped down his chin, making a mental note to grab a box of The Espresso Pump�s finest on the way home. Jammy Xander looked rather yummy!
�Bloody hell, Giles,� Spike groaned, rubbing his eyes. �We�ve been looking at these bleedin� books for hours and found nothing. I say we just go find the bastard and cut it into lots of demony pieces.�
Tara looked at him and smiled. How could she not? William the bloody using a word like, demony? Even if she hadn�t loved him, she would have had to smile.
�I agree with dead boy junior,� Xander quipped, swallowing the last of the jelly. �Let�s pass out the axes.�
The watcher shook his head.
�This is no ordinary Hallmar demon,� he stated, reaching for the box of donuts. �We can�t go after it unprepared.� He searched the box and frowned. �There are no jellies left?�
His eyes moved around the table stopping on Xander.
�Why are you looking at me?� he defensively clepped.
�Maybe because you�ve got the evidence running down your chin, chubbs,� Spike purred, grinning.
Xander put a hand to his face.
�No, sweetie, let me.�
Anya leaned over and drug her tongue slowly over his sticky chin.
�Bloody hell,� the vampire groaned, looking down at the large book in front of him.
Giles rolled his eyes and settled for a cheese Danish, though not without making his irritation known.
�Xander, why don�t you get more jellies? You know they are my favorite and yet you never get more than two, which are always gone by the time I get to the box.�
�I can go out and pick up a few more,� Tara offered.
�The hell you will,� Spike said, his blue eyes on her. �Until this demon is a pile of rubbish, you are not going anywhere, especially at night.�
Buffy glanced up from her book, a small grin on her face. Despite the past problems she had had with the vampire, he was now one of the good guys, largely in part due to the blonde witch. And seeing him all protective of her was just plain cute. Of course, she would never actually admit that to him.
�Spike-� Tara began.
�Sorry, Pet, don�t mean to be the manly man here, but I�m not losing you.�
She smiled warmly at him, not a trace of anger at his protective nature.
�Thank you, Tara,� Giles said, smiling at her. �But that won�t be necessary, although I do appreciate the offer. It is nice to know there are those who are considerate of others.�
With the last words, he glared at Xander.
�I think I�ve got something here.�
Buffy slid her book over to the watcher, who turned his attention to the yellowing pages.
�Well?� she asked, hoping they had finally hit a spot of luck.
�Yes, Buffy, I do believe you have found exactly what we need,� he noted.
The Slayer smiled proudly.
�To vanquish a Wallhar Banshee,�
Her smile faded.
�Stupid, sound alike demon names,� she grumbled, as the book was placed in front of her. �I wish they had normal names.� Anya cleared her throat. �No offense,� she added, flashing a small smile.
�None taken, Buffy,� the ex demon purred, grinning as she accentuated the slayer�s name.
Buffy turned to her sister who had been reading quietly on the pile of pillows on the floor.
�What was that, Dawn?� she mused.
�Why?� she repeated, not looking up from her book.
�Uh, well, because most demon names sound-�
�Willow, why?�
Around the table, looks exchanged as confusion danced in the air. Then Buffy turned back to her sister.
�Willow why? Not exactly sure what you mean,� she said.
Dawn raised her eyes to meet her sister�s.
�Why? Why do you do to Willow what you do? She can�t even sit down because of you, because of what you did to her. And that was two days ago. Buffy, I don�t think I get it. I mean, I know you told me that she needed special help and all that stuff, but I just can�t see how you paddling her ass raw helps her?�
Buffy felt as though she had just been slapped, frozen, and unable to do as much as blink, her sister�s words echoing in her head. The others weren�t fairing much better.
Anya and Xander looked at each other, their faces a mask of sadness. Spike cleared his throat softly and Tara took his hand in hers, squeezing tightly. Giles removed his glasses and cast his eyes to the hard wood floor.
�Well?� Dawn demanded. She closed her book and dropped it next to her. �I want to know, I want an answer.�
Buffy managed to snap out her shock and look at Dawn. The accusing eyes glaring back at her broke her heart.
�Dawn, I don�t think you are ��
�Old enough to understand? Oh, but I guess I am old enough to hear you beating her ass and fucking her brains out, huh?� When her sister didn�t answer, Dawn continued. �You think I don�t know what goes on when I am �sleeping�? Come on, Buffy, give me a break! Give me a fucking break!�
She got up from the floor and stormed into the back room, slamming the door behind her. And once again, Buffy found she was unable to blink.
The room was painfully quiet, no one knowing what to say or even if there was anything they could. Giles returned the glasses to his face, his eyes never leaving the floor, while Tara put a comforting hand on the Slayer�s shoulder. Spike, for once in his life, passed on the opportunity to make a wisecrack at Buffy�s expense. He genuinely felt bad for her�and worried about Dawn.
�I can�t believe she said that word.�
Xander�s voice cut through the silence.
�Twice,� he noted. �She said it twice.�
�Bloody hell!� Spike growled, glaring at him. �I think there�s a bigger problem than Lil� Bit using a dirty word!�
�Hey!� Anya baulked, glaring right back at him. �Don�t yell at him!�
�Why the hell not?�
�Because he didn�t do anything wrong!�
�So? I need to yell at someone!�
�Well yell at yourself and leave Xander alone!�
�Both of you shut up!�
Tara�s usually soft voice was gone; it�s calm tone nowhere to be found. Spike swallowed hard as he looked at his girlfriend, her blue eyes blazing. He knew this Tara all too well.
�Sorry, mate,� he gently said, turning to Xander and Anya.
�It�s ok,� Anya replied. �I�m sorry, too.�
�What am I doing?� Buffy�s question came from nowhere and brought all eyes to her. �What have I done, Giles?� Her hazel eyes looked pleadingly at him, begging for any sense to be made. �Giles, what am I doing?�
The Englishman placed a hand on hers.
�You are doing everything you can, Buffy�everything you can to take care of the ones you love.�
�She didn�t mean it, Buffy,� Tara said, her voice back to its normal, gentleness. �She�s just upset.�
�Tara�s right, Buf,� Xander quickly noted. �She�s a kid, she doesn�t understand.� He paused a moment, then softly added, �There are times when I�m not even sure I do.� Buffy looked at him and he gave her a reassuring smile. �But I trust you and Will. That�s enough for me.�
His words brought a small smile to her face and she felt a bit better.
�You know, Buffy,� Anya began. �I can talk her,to Dawn if you like.�
�No!� the answer was a unified chorus.
�Thanks, Anya,� Buffy gently said, offering her a smile. �But this is something I have to do.� She got up from the chair and headed toward the back. �And I need to do it now.�


�She�s gone.�
The panicked voice of the Slayer broke the painful silence of the Magic Box.
�What?� Giles clepped, looking up from his book.
�Dawn, she�s gone. She must have slipped out the back door.�
Buffy ran a hand nervously through her blonde hair.
�We split up, find her,� Xander announced, standing up.
�Chubbs� got the right idea,� Spike agreed, doing the same.
�Yes, I agree as well,� Giles noted, with a nod. Looking at Buffy, he added,� We�ll find her, Buffy.�
�She can�t have gotten too far,� Tara offered, grabbing her jacket.
�Yes, her legs may be long, but they are awkwardly teenage and therefore slow moving.�
All eyes fell upon Anya then Xander said, �Anya and I will take the Bronze.�
Buffy thanked them, told them to be extra careful and they left.
�We can cover the cemetery,� Tara stated.
�I can cover the cemetery, Pet,� Spike corrected, gently brushing a hand over her cheek. �I don�t want you out, big bad demon, remember?�
�I�ll be with you,� she replied. �I can�t just sit here,� she went on, seeing the look of concern on his face. �I love Dawnie, too.�
�You know, Tara,� Buffy began. �She might have gone home. I�m going to swing by, check. If she�s not there, well, I would really appreciate it if you would maybe hang out and keep Will company, sort of, hold down the fort.�
Spike gave her a grateful look and Tara nodded.
�Of course, anything, Buffy.�
�I�ll drive around town; perhaps she�s taking a walk to clear her head.�
Buffy managed a small smile. �Thanks, Giles.�
�Come on, Pet, Slayer, car�s out front.�
Tara followed Spike out the front door, Buffy right behind her. As the witch stepped outside, Buffy looked back at Giles.
�She�ll be alright, Buffy,� he assured her. �After all, she is your sister.�
She nodded then continued outside. Giles gathered his jacket and keys, switched off the lights, hurried to lock the backdoor and ran to his beloved Citroen to begin his search.


Tara filled her teacup, added a spoonful of sugar and stirred quietly. She then retreated to the living room where she took a seat in the overstuffed chair. Smiling, she cast her blue eyes onto the sleeping redhead stretched out on the sofa; the latest copy of Martha Stewart�s Living resting on her chest. Tara had to stifle a chuckle, remembering how Buffy often teased her girlfriend about her Stewart-ness.
The desire to laugh soon gave way to sadness, as the memory of Dawn�s words rang through her brain. Poor kid�poor Buffy, how could she explain something she wasn�t even sure of herself? It was a bad situation, no doubt about it, but they would get through it, all of them. They were a family, they leaned and supported and loved no matter what.
Family�the word stuck in Tara�s head. Her own had been horrid, save her mother and Xander�s was just as bad. The two of them shared a somewhat similar violent past and yet, had managed to escape unscathed�for the most part. Giles didn�t get along that great with his father, although he was crazy about his mum. As was Spike, before he turned her. But when she was alive, when he was alive, theirs had been a beautiful relationship. Even now, he missed her terribly. Anya�s family pretty much consisted of her former vengeance pals, as well as others of the demon variety. Willow seemed to have the perfect parents, it was just too bad they forgot they were parents. When it came to family, it seemed Buffy and Dawn were the only ones to hit the jackpot.
Joyce Summers was everyone�s idea of what a mother should be. Kind, caring, supportive even when she didn�t agree with what was going on, she was mother to the whole gang, the only mother Willow and Xander ever really knew. And, in the absence of her own dear, beautiful mom, she had become one to Tara as well. Spike had adored her and Giles had loved her and since her death, they all bore a tiny hole in their hearts that would never be filled.
Willow stirred slightly and the magazine fell to the floor. Tara reached down and picked it up, her thoughts still on the late Ms. Summers. If she had been there when Willow�s memory had returned�Tara shivered unconsciously at the thought of what
Buffy�s mom would have done to Xander�s pathetic excuse of a father. Although a true angel, Joyce Summers was extremely, fiercely protective of those she loved. And she had made it perfectly clear that she loved all of them as if they were her very own.
Tara suddenly found herself smiling. They may not have been blood, but to her, Joyce and Giles were parents�they were parents to the whole gang.
�Hey,� a soft, sleepy voice murmured.
She looked over to find Willow looking at her, a small smile on her face.
�Hey,� she replied, smiling herself. �I�m sorry I woke you.�
�You didn�t,� Willow said, sitting up and wincing slightly as she did. �Sort of in a bit of pain here.�
Tara gave her a sympathetic look.
�Can I get you anything? Pillow or five?�
The redhead chuckled and Tara smiled.
�I�m ok, as long as I don�t bounce around. And speaking of sore bums, where�s my Slayer?�
�She and Spike had to do a little patrolling. She asked me to hang out here, for Spike�s sake really. He�s being all protective with that Hallmar demon on the loose.�
It was Willow�s turn to smile.
�Aw, he�s so cute when he�s all manly and macho,� she cooed.
Tara blushed but didn�t deny it.
�Dawnie asleep?�
The smile left Tara�s face and she contemplated how to answer. When they had arrived at the house, Willow was already asleep. It hadn�t occurred to any of them what to tell her if she woke up. Tara didn�t want to upset her friend but at the same time, she hated lying. Lying always made things worse. Her brain rushed to find something safe to say, but before it could, the front door opened.
�I am so tired of being treated like a child!�
Dawn�s voice echoed throughout the house, causing Willow to furrow a brow.
�What�s going on?� she asked, looking at Tara.
�You are a child,� Buffy�s voice answered, followed by the front door slamming. �And you are going to start showing some respect around here.�
�Or what, you�ll spank me, too?�
Buffy slapped her sister�s shoulder as her eyes met Willow�s. The look on her lover�s face broke the Slayer�s heart. Behind them, Spike shot Tara a smile. She returned with a wink and stood up.
�We need to get going,� she said, placing the magazine on the coffee table, �unless�� Her eyes found Buffy�s.
�No, it�s ok, you guys go home, get some rest. We�re good here.�
�Says you,� Dawn baulked.
Buffy reached out, took an ear in her hand and led her over to one of the chairs.
�Sit and be quiet,� she ordered, gently pushing her down.
Dawn started to say something snotty but the look on her sister�s face stopped her. Instead, she sat in a quiet huff. Buffy walked Spike and Tara out, thanking them for all of their help and asking the witch if Willow knew what was going on.
�She just woke up, right before you came in.�
Buffy sighed.
�Thanks again, both of you.�
�Where was she?� Tara asked.
�I�ll tell ya all the gory details, luv,� Spike promised, opening the door for her. �I�ll let the others know she�s safe. Night, Slayer�and tell Red good night for me.�
�I will. Thank you, again.�
She hugged Tara and they left. Closing the door, Buffy took a few deep, calming breaths then returned to the living room. Neither Willow nor Dawn looked as if they had said a word. Buffy�s eyes studied her girlfriend. Willow looked bad, sick bad. There were dark circles under her eyes and she was near being paler than Spike. It was a good chance she hadn�t eaten anything for dinner, too. Her heart fell to the floor. It killed her to see her love like this.
�So,� Dawn finally spoke, her eyes moving from Buffy to Willow and back. �Are you two going to explain this spanking thing or not?�

To be continued�..
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