W/B (NC17-naughty fun)
Joss� people.
Summary: Buffy is home from slaying�and she�s got that craving.
�How was patrol?� Willow asked looking up from her book as Buffy came into the living room.
The Slayer said nothing, merely reached down and pulled the redhead to her feet. Willow smiled, recognizing the look in her girlfriend�s hazel eyes. Lips met in a fiery kiss that lasted until air was an absolute necessity, hands tracing desires beyond understanding.
Willow gasped, dizzy from both the kiss and the need for oxygen, her emerald greens locked into Buffy�s lustful gaze.
�Ok then, I�m going with it was a good nigh-�
Before she could finish her sentence, the witch found herself bent over the back of the overstuffed chair, her jeans tugged down, strong hands caressing her panty clad bottom.
�Have you been a good little witch this evening, Will?� Buffy inquired her raspy voice thick with want. �Or do I need to give you a good spanking?�
A low moan escaped from the redhead�s lips and Buffy smiled. Raising her hand, she placed a gentle slap on her girlfriend�s backside. Willow swallowed hard, her body unconsciously pushing back into Buffy�s touch.
�I think my girl needs a good spanking, don�t you, my naughty little witch?� she purred, easing Willow�s panties down to join her jeans. Willow moaned louder and Buffy tenderly rubbed her bare bottom, sliding a finger between her slightly parted thighs. �Oh yeah, my naughty little witch needs her cute little ass spanked,� she cooed, feeling the pool of wetness that was forming amongst the red curls. �She�s a bad, bad Willow.�
And with that noted, the blonde began spanking the redhead. Softly at first, her strong hands gentle on her lover, covering the pale flesh with the sweetest of spanks. Willow responded with husky moans, murmurs of pleasure and breathy pleas for more.
�Oh goddess, yes I�m bad, I�m a bad little witch,� she breathed, raising her bum to meet each touch of her lover�s hand. �And I so need to be spanked, hard, please baby, harder.�
Buffy was more than happy to oblige, increasing the power of the spanking, yet mindful of her slayer strength. She covered every inch of Willow�s lovely behind carefully assuring that its color would soon match the owner�s hair. Willow moaned deeply, writhing on the chair, her back arching with each kiss of her Slayer�s hand, the pool between her thighs now an ocean.
�Hmm, such a naughty little ass my Will has,� she purred, slowing down her spanks to massage in between, �and so hot.� Leaning down, she trailed her tongue over the heated flesh, prompting the redhead to gasp. �I bet it�s tasty, too.� Willow cried out as Buffy sank her teeth in, gripping the chair until her knuckles were white. �Mm, yum,� she said, resuming the spanking, placing several smacks to the spot that bore her teeth marks.
�Buffy, please,� Willow panted, her body trembling.
�Please what, Will?� the Slayer teased, sending an extra hard spank to the witch�s nicely reddened bottom.
�Goddess,� she groaned, spreading her legs as far as the jeans would allow.
Buffy followed with another hard one and Willow growled.
�Slayer,� she hissed, reaching back for contact.
Buffy�s smile grew, as did the heat between her own thighs and she landed a few more hard ones onto Willow�s behind.
�What do you want, naughty witch?� she purred, reaching into the drawer on the end table and pulling out a blue, jelly vibe. Willow growled again. �Hmm, maybe I need to get my paddle,� Buffy said, adding a few more spanks. �My witch seems to be extra naughty tonight.�
She watched her love�s body respond to the threat, knowing full well the effect it �s bum raised even higher, her back arching, her grip on the chair intensifying. Wow, she was incredible! For a moment, Buffy could do nothing but take in the sight of the woman she so dearly loved. After a few seconds, however, her own desire became impatient and she slipped the toy between her red goddess� thighs.
Willow moaned approvingly as the cool object entered her, her body welcoming it with fervor. Buffy took her time, slowly pushing into her, talking to her as she did.
�Oh, my naughty little Willow witch is so the bad girl,� she whispered, twisting as she plunged further. �She likes having her sweet little ass spanked as red as her hair, then being Slayer fucked nice and hard, don�t you, witch?�
�Goddess, Buffy,� Willow moaned, pushing back against the Slayer. �Oh yes, fuck me, Slayer, fuck me good and hard.�
It was Buffy�s turn to growl and as she did, she plunged into the redhead, prompting Willow to cry out and beg for more. Buffy was more than happy to give her just what she wanted and began granting her lover�s request. She moved slowly, each tender thrust aimed at bringing the redhead closer to the sweetest of pleasures. The heat swallowing her, Willow pressed back, eager to assist her girlfriend in any way she could, her head spinning with sheer ecstasy as her Slayer continued to pump in and out of her.
�Mm, I just love to fuck this tight little cunt,� Buffy breathed, licking Willow�s earlobe while she thrust a bit harder. �My tight little cunt, witch, all mine.�
She accentuated the statement with a deep plunge nearly sending Willow over the edge. The redhead loved possessive Slayer and Buffy knew it.
�You know who you belong to, don�t you, witch?� she purred, her thrusting growing harder, faster.
�You, Slayer,� Willow gasped, feeling total abandonment nearing, �only you, always you.�
Buffy kissed her neck. �That�s right, naughty witch, me, only me, always me.�
She nibbled gently as she continued to thrust.
�Goddess, Buffy, oh goddess,� Willow panted.
She was almost there, Buffy could tell.
�If I ever, ever find out anyone else has touched you, what will I do, witch?� she growled, giving her girl exactly what she needed to reach release.
�Oh goddess, you will�mm�you will spank my ass so hard, I won�t sit for a year...Buffy, goddess, yes�oh yes�oh Buffy, yes��
Thrusting one last time, Buffy plunged into the redhead, while at the same time, biting down hard on her neck. Willow screamed her release, loudly, her slim body shaking with tremors of unadulterated heated bliss.
Buffy felt warmth in her jeans and moaned lowly, her body resting against Willow�s, her hands smoothing the witch�s back.
�I love you so much, Will,� she softly said.
�Goddess, I love you too, Buffy,� Willow replied, her voice shaky with exhaustion.
They stayed that way for a few moments then Buffy removed the toy, scooped Willow up in her arms and carried her over to the sofa, where she placed her lovingly on her tummy, red head resting in her lap.
�You ok, Will?� she asked, fingers running through strands of red.
�So very the,� Willow answered, looking up so her lover could see her grin.
�I wasn�t too hard, was I?� The Slayer glanced down at Willow�s reddened bottom and frowned. �You match your hair, sweetie.�
�I like it that way, baby, you know that,� Willow replied, returning her head to Buffy�s lap.
�I know, I just worry, and I don�t want to go too far. I never want to hurt you, Will.�
�And you never will, Buf, I know that. And you know that your Mistress Red needs this sometimes.�
Buffy giggled.
�My dominant girlfriend loves being spanked. Isn�t that a major faux po amongst our kind?� She mused, gently stroking Willow�s hot bum.
�I am not dominant. You are the one who created Mistress Red.�
�True and you jumped head first into her. Face it, Will, I may be the Slayer, but in this relationship, you are defiantly the domme.�
�K, I do enjoy a bit of control.�
�Will, there�s a picture of you next to the definition in Webster�s.�
�Exaggerate much?�
�Need I mention your, vampire twin?�
�So not me.�
�A vampire is merey a soulless reflection of our truest self.�
�And you�re complaining?�
�Never, my Mistress Red.�

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